Washington Babies

Delivering at Valley vs Swedish/ switching dr

I have raved many many times here about my love of my OB, Robin Cole.   She was amazing with the twins, and my c-section was cake (after the 2 failed inductions).  She delivered the twins at Swedish, and it was a PITA to go in (from renton) for appts and such.  it would eat up half the day, and the drive when i was heading to l/d w contractions a few times drove tony batsh*t, especially the couple times he drove home from fremont only to drive me back to swedish.

 He is adamant that I deliver at Valley.   I am willing to consider, and asked my primary (whom I adore and trust, and is a friend) for a rec.  She gave me 2 names at associated Valley OB  -- Webb and Oxford, and since webb will be away 2 months during the pregnancy, I am going with Oxford and will meet her Friday.   Though I still have not decided to make the switch

I understand with DH about delivering coser to home (7 minutes away?) vs Swedish...  but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Robin....  and would feel like I was ditching her if I were to switch.  

Im undecided VBAC or repeat c-section (though leaning to the c-section; known vs unknown ) and both practices will support whatever my choice is....

I just dont know what to do.  I am supposed to go to Swedish for an appt tomorrow...  and then Valley Friday.   Cole is OOT for 2 weeks beginning next week, so if I cancel tomorrow's appt, its putting me at 10-11 weeks before I am seen.   Probably not a big deal, since I will have seen the valley dr ... should I choose to go with swedish...

I considered Overlake, but figure if I am going to drive 405N, I may as well go to Swedish

I just need a few thoughts, experiences at valley, with Oxford?  anything?   Ultimately its my decision, but I am truly trying to make a fair one...  if it were completely my call, without taking DH feelings into consideration, it would be swedish hands down....


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Re: Delivering at Valley vs Swedish/ switching dr

  • I don't have any experience with Valley, but just wanted to say that I went with Swedish with Collin and I drove up there from Lakewood, which is not exactly the most fun jaunt, but I will totally be going there again next time. I love my OB and feel comfortable with her office and with Swedish. IMO, it's about YOUR personal comfort and as long as you are comfortable with the distance and with driving up there for appointments every month/etc. I would stay there.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I'm at the same office as you, but see Dr.H.  I am pretty sure I will be going back.  In the event that Dr.H isn't able to take me as an OB patient I'm thinking of going with Swedish midwives.

    But, ultimately, I think it is your choice and your comfort level and you should do what you know is best for your body and mind.  A couple of anxious drives won't kill Tony.  :) 

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  • When T grows a baby and needs to push it out or have it cut out, he gets to decide. That drive for appointments and dealing with parking would kill me though.
  • I switched this time to an Overlake Mid wife and plan to deliver at the new Swedish on the plateau.  They will be open for delivery in November. 

    I really wanted a MW this time and Swedish on the hill doesn't (or didn't when I had W) allow MW delivery, only Swedish in Ballard.  When I called the Swedish MW clinic the said it was unlikely they would deliver at the new hospital.  So, this Overlake Group will deliver there and so far I've been happy with them. 

    BIG Brother born 10/19/07 little Brother born 1/31/12
  • https://www.swedish.org/Services/Pregnancy---Childbirth/Childbirth-Centers/Issaquah

    This would be my first choice. Issaquah Highlands/Swedish. 

    Mama to Z - 5.5 years, G - 3.5 years, & M - 1.5 years.
  • imagepreston18:
    When T grows a baby and needs to push it out or have it cut out, he gets to decide. That drive for appointments and dealing with parking would kill me though.

    This made me laugh!

    I delivered at Valley and sa Dr. Kovacs who is in the same practice as Oxford and Webb.  I saw Oxford a couple times during my pregnancy and really liked her.  I thought she was really laid back but always very thorough and compasionate to my concerns.  She was actually the one who ordered our growth US to find out how big A was and she assisted Kovacs during my c-section.  Our experience at Valley was great, although a little different since we were a scheduled C/S.  They usually put their scheduled C/S patients on a different floor from the birth center and at first I didn't like that but in the end it was really nice.  We had great nurses the entire time we were there. 

    I would say meet with Oxford and see what you think.  You may also try and get a tour of the birthing center just to see everything they have to offer. Let me know if you have any other questions.  HTH!

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  • I had Dr. Channell there and really liked her.  A friend of mine who went to Highline with her first, had Dr. Oxford for the delivery of her twins a year ago (the opposite of you!).  If you would be interested in chatting with her I could put you two in touch.

    Jen - Mom to Jillian (10/2008) and Hayden (4/2010)

    My Blog


  • I got to Associated Valley OBGYN and I love it there.  I see Dr. Kovacs and she is fantastic.  I have had nothing but great experiences with the entire staff.  I don't think it would hurt to at least meet with Dr. Oxford and see if you mesh well.

    Good luck!

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  • I had to laugh at Stacy.  My 2 cents - it's your whooha that's getting checked and again - it's worth the drive if you're more comfortable.

    That - and give the vbac a shot.

  • bunchbunch member

    I don't have any experience with Valley, but was also with Swedish (Hanrahan) and Dr. Cole ended up delivering L.  I LOVE both of them. 

    Having said that, I had two fast'ish deliveries, so my DH would want me (and I agree) at a hospital as close as possible. 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I had the same problem as you..  I delivered H at swedish with dr hanrahan, however at that time I was living in seattle and working in northgate so I could easily make it to my appts.    This time I live by you, and dh *really* didnt want me driving all the way to swedish 2 times a month (this actually didnt sound very fun to me either).  Then when Dr Hanrahan couldnt see me for this pregnancy at all (apparently she was full) I just decided to go with Associated Valley.  I have been REALLY happy there with Dr Kovacs and the MFM group there, although part of me is still nervous and wishes I was having these babies at Swedish, cause they are the best afterall..   I guess I'm not much help, just trying to commiserate with ya! =)
    imageimageLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers image . Ice Ice Binky Formerly FutureMrsLynch
  • Beth, I didn't know you were expecting!!  Congrats!!  A friend of mine delivered at Valley and had a good experience.  I don't know who her doctor was.  And as for vbacs, I found it to be a truely empowering and amazing experience.  Feel free to read Gavin's birthstory in my blog (link below).  It really showed me that I am an amazingly strong woman who can beat all the odds!!!  My doula had a vbac herself, and also teaches a vbac birthing class.  I think it's called vbac your way.
    ~Susan Mommy to H 08.07.06, and G 10.11.08, m/c(d&c) 08.10.05 13wks image
    NestBaby Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker My Pregnancy blog
  • I'm really glad you asked this Beth!  I'm trying to make a similar decision...  I LOVE LOVE LOVE my doc (family practitioner who also delivers babies), but she's in Bonney Lake and delivers in Puyallup.  Not ideal, even if we were at home.  I work super close to Swedish.  But I'm not sure I can leave my doc!  I *adore* her.  Ugh!  One of those things I don't have to decide yet.  GL figuring it out!
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