July 2011 Moms

PP bleeding

I don't recall much from pp with dd1 because by this point I was trying to make it to the hospital to see my Grandma, then at 2 weeks I had a week of funerals for my grandma & mom. It seems like my pp bleeding comes & goes. I barely had any yesterday or last night, then stood up at the peds office today and felt a gush. Now I'm crampy again today. I've weaned off my pain killers but may need some Motrin if the cramps keep up. Anyone else at almost 2 weeks PP finding it coming & going?
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DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


Re: PP bleeding

  • Yup.  I bled for a week, then had hardly anything for a week, then had a HUGE scary gush and clot the next week, then spotted, then bled a little heavier, then it finally tapered off.  It was weird.

    Now I have "spotting" (spotting my ass, it is more like a period) from my mirena insertion.  I am so so so sick of bleeding.  

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • Yes- I had Lydia exactly 2 weeks ago today (need to update siggy) and have definitely had really light days then some days with cramping/gushes. Today Ikve barely had anything but yesterday it was fairly heavy. Hoping it will be gone soon!
    DD1 June 2011
    DD2 Due January 2015
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  • imagekatie4253:

    Yup.  I bled for a week, then had hardly anything for a week, then had a HUGE scary gush and clot the next week, then spotted, then bled a little heavier, then it finally tapered off.  It was weird.

    Now I have "spotting" (spotting my ass, it is more like a period) from my mirena insertion.  I am so so so sick of bleeding.  

    Being a woman is so lovely. It's up to MH to take care of preventing babies now. This is our caboose so he can go get a V when he's home long enough. I'm 31 with family history of cancers. I'm not doing any more hormonal prevention since we don't want more than 2.
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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


  • imagembritto4:

    Yup.  I bled for a week, then had hardly anything for a week, then had a HUGE scary gush and clot the next week, then spotted, then bled a little heavier, then it finally tapered off.  It was weird.

    Now I have "spotting" (spotting my ass, it is more like a period) from my mirena insertion.  I am so so so sick of bleeding.  

    Being a woman is so lovely. It's up to MH to take care of preventing babies now. This is our caboose so he can go get a V when he's home long enough. I'm 31 with family history of cancers. I'm not doing any more hormonal prevention since we don't want more than 2.

    We probably aren't having more kids, but we didn't think making the vasectomy decision while in the NICU was a good idea.  LOL!  So, I'm doing the Mirena for 4-5 years and then H is getting snipped if we still don't want kids.   I'm 30, and the thought of having a baby at 34-35 kind of terrifies me because I'm already exahusted now.  Throw a 4-5 year old into the mix...it just doesn't appeal to me.  Not to mention we still don't know what the hell was wrong with me.  So the thought of another NICU baby is not something I care to entertain.  My blood work will be coming back soon, so we'll see if that gives any answers about a clotting disorder. 

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • I had Dylan 3 weeks ago tomorrow (wow, that went by fast!!) and my bleeding is still coming and going. Right now I'm getting away with panty liners, but ugh... I just want to wear normal underwear, no more granny panties!! ;)
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  • I had pp bleeding for about 3 weeks. It probably would have only lasted a week or two but I wasn't resting as much as I should have. Once I finally got off my feet for a few days it stopped.
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  • Yes!  I bled for a 5 days.  It tapered off to nothing then it picked up REAL heavy, clotty, and red all of a sudden. I bled real bad for about 3-4 days and then it tapered off with each day to the point i am @ now.  I just have spotting here and there.  Just enough i need to wear a panty liner just in case. Hopefully i wont pick back up again.  I only bled 2 weeks with my daughter but it was constant which is why when it stop and started again it scared me. 
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  • Mine has been more consistent bleeding.  However, I am with all of you and I am so tired of oozing something out of almost every single orifice of my body.  It sucks being a woman sometimes. 

    I can't wait until pp bleeding goes away.  I have no idea how long it lasts but I am so ready to be done with it.  

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