I think I may be having allergy issues for the first time, which of course coincides with me not being able to take most meds. Does anyone know of any BFing-approved remedies that actually work? I'm tired of hacking up junk.
When I was BFing I would take Benedryl when it got really bad, but usually only one, once a day. I tried to be careful because C would get tired if I took two tablets I also stole C's humidifier at times or sat in the bathroom with the hot water running to breathe in the steam. Allergies are no fun.
Claritin. I have taken a claritin EVERY SINGLE DAY since I was 6 months pregnant with Jackson. I took it the entire time I BF'd him (one year) and during Malia's pregnancy and now.
Defininitely double check with your OB - but mine said it's totally safe
This! It's the grossest best thing I've ever done.
Love: 8/2000 | Marriage: 7/2005 | Baby makes three: 3/28/2007 | And one more makes...SIX?
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
Re: BFing and seasonal allergies
Claritin. I have taken a claritin EVERY SINGLE DAY since I was 6 months pregnant with Jackson. I took it the entire time I BF'd him (one year) and during Malia's pregnancy and now.
Defininitely double check with your OB - but mine said it's totally safe
This! It's the grossest best thing I've ever done.
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.