July 2011 Moms

Birth plan for induction?

I had created a birth plan but now that I need to be induced, my plan must change :(  I am 8 days overdue now and am scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning at 6am.  If you had a birth plan for an induction...what did you include on it?
Steph - mama to Owen Patrick 2/20/02, Ryder Jacob 11/3/05 and Brody Ryan 7/14/2011
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Re: Birth plan for induction?

  • I'm in the process of doing the same thing (induction is on Sunday if I dont' go before then--11 days past due), so I'm interested to see what others say.  I'm hoping for a natural birth even with induction, so that will be on there.  I also would like to move around, wear my own clothes if I want, still want 1 hour delay of procedures for bonding.  I didn't have to be induced with DS#1, so I'm so lost!
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  • I didn't change mine at all from my original birth plan.  I was able to stick to it about 80%.  I was tied down a bit more because I had the lovely IV tree attached to me and the fetal monitor.  When I leaned over, they lost the signal on DS, so I had to stay a bit more upright.  I ended up falling in love with being in the rocking chair though.  I thought I'd want to use water, but couldn't because of the pitocin, but that wasn't a huge deal. 

    After birth, I wanted him on me, but the cord was around his neck and he needed immediate attention . . . that changed but probably would have regardless of an induction.  Because of that, a lot of the after procedures were done . . . but I did get to delay bathing for a good 3 (?) hours or so.  

    I stayed med free, so if that is your wish you can still do it!! I think the biggest thing going into an induction is to have an open and positive mind set. 

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  • did you get info from your OB about your hospital practices for induction....i was disappointed that my hospital doesn't let you walk once pitocin is hooked up....luckily cervadil did the trick for me...i didn't have a birth plan, but knew that i wanted to go as long without an epi, but was open to it...i would just make sure your partner knows what you want so they can help you focus and communicate your wishes once things start getting intense :-)
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  • This is a good question, I will review our original birth plan.  I am 42 weeks tomorrow so we are going in to be induced.  They are starting with pitocin and I am very disappointed.  My MW is having me try castor oil today and it's awful.  This isn't how I imagined this would be!
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