Potty Training

3 day PT question re: "older" kids

We're just starting day 3 for my son that is 3 y.o., and the first two days went pretty well. There was one accident yesterday, and that was because I'd brought him and his brother outside and he didn't want to stop playing. He also wet the bed in the middle of the night, although I wasn't surprised because he had some water before bed after bouts of tears that he was "sooo thirsty", DH caved.

Couple questions: 1.  When he needs to "go", he is telling me right as it is about to happen, and in turn, I'm carrying him and running to the bathroom. He has  not gotten up on his own to go into the bathroom. How long should I be doing this routine, as opposed to letting him get there on his own?

2. Taking off and putting on his underpants on his own is a struggle. I'm trying to enforce it, but he waits until the last minute to get to the bathroom, and if he has to then pull down his underpants on his own, it will probably result in an accident. What to do?

Also, he's signed up for camp next week (M-F 9-noon), and I'm worried that it may set back his PT progress because it will be a new situation and he'll have to get to the potty, etc. Also, concerned that he's going to have a ton of accidents that the staff will have to deal with. But I know many women work and send their children back to daycare, etc right after PT, and so I'm curious if there's any advice that would help him next week. 


Re: 3 day PT question re: "older" kids

  • *LrCg**LrCg* member

    My kids were PT before they were 2 but I still think I can answer your question.  Regardless of his age (unless he's like 5) I think you should just work on getting him to the potty.  Help him with taking off his pants, wiping, etc.  Those are polished skills.  The importance is GOING potty.  It will take a few days and once that's perfected then work on him going by himself.  If you notice he's not getting their fast then perhaps do a potty break- before a meal, nap or a new activity.  But remember- regardless of his age, its still a new skill. 

    As for camp, I sent my kids back to daycare after PT for 5 days and they did really good.  Accident happen, I'm sure it won't be the first time a camp has had to deal with that and even from a long time PT toddler. 

  • Thanks for your input!
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  • I dont have a ton of advice for you.. but wanted to tell you that my son was doing the same exact thing until the very end of day 3. He would tell me right before he goes and most times on Day 3 he went a little in his underwear. It wasnt until Day 4 that he learned to hold it until we got to the potty. Now after 2 weeks after the 3 day potty training, he can now hold it for a very long time if he has to. He learned to pull his own underwear down on Day 5 without peeing his pants. Just give it time and work on it a lot between now and camp and he should be fine.
    image   image
  • imageYAY! Baby K:
    I dont have a ton of advice for you.. but wanted to tell you that my son was doing the same exact thing until the very end of day 3. He would tell me right before he goes and most times on Day 3 he went a little in his underwear. It wasnt until Day 4 that he learned to hold it until we got to the potty. Now after 2 weeks after the 3 day potty training, he can now hold it for a very long time if he has to. He learned to pull his own underwear down on Day 5 without peeing his pants. Just give it time and work on it a lot between now and camp and he should be fine.

    Thank you! Smile

  • Where do you get info on how to do the 3day?  Is it a book or a website?

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