Washington Babies

Wow I can't even imagine this

collage Cooper Flynn is 3 years old and growing! May 10,2009 Miscarriage April 2008 Ectopic pregnancy August 2011

Re: Wow I can't even imagine this

  • Let hope she had a c-section! 

    I wonder how big she was.  I had 13lb 14oz of baby in me and an extra placenta and two extra sacs and I was gigantic...

    Love: 8/2000 | Marriage: 7/2005 | Baby makes three: 3/28/2007 | And one more makes...SIX?
    Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise. image
  • O.M.G.  That child is huge - but so cute!
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  • That's insane, but I'm utterly horrified by this:

    "Guinness World Records says the heaviest newborn ever recorded weighed 23 pounds, 12 ounces, born to an Ohio woman in 1879.

    How in the effing hell did she push almost 24 lbs of baby out her vag?  Because you know they weren't doing c-sections in 1879.

    I want to cry just thinking about this. 

  • imageiHeartHimMore:

    That's insane, but I'm utterly horrified by this:

    "Guinness World Records says the heaviest newborn ever recorded weighed 23 pounds, 12 ounces, born to an Ohio woman in 1879.

    How in the effing hell did she push almost 24 lbs of baby out her vag?  Because you know they weren't doing c-sections in 1879.

    I want to cry just thinking about this. 

    Oh helllz to the no. Her poor, poor vag. Ick!

    {The artist formerly known as JRS72206}
  • Dr's should use that example of what happens when you don't eat right with GD!
    imageimage Brothers! image
  • And big does NOT equal healthy - he's being monitored for a variety of things, breathing and blood sugar among them. 

    poor mama!  Imagine lugging THAT car seat around...

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • She did have a c-section.  That poor woman!  
    DD #1 Eva- April 2011
    DD #2 Violet- October 2013
    DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

  • I had a dream last night that I adopted this big as baby, and he was almost as big as Holden!
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