I have a friend who recently moved to Renton area and is need of a swimming lesson recommendation for her 16 month old. They used to take lessons with us at the Y, but the Y in Renton charges $ 40 per month for the class plus your membership fee ( they were included at the Y here). She found one class but the pool is freezing ( she had to buy her daughter a wet suit) and she said there is no structure to the class at all.
Does anybody have any recommendations, she said she is willing to travel to Tukwila, Maple Valley, Burien, Kent. Thanks so much.
Re: Swimming lesson recommendation-please
We have been to one (so far) kinderswimmer lesson at their pool in maple valley - it was very warm and the instructors were great. It is a little spendy though! We will be going back.. we'd be there today if LO wasn't sick!
I know they have a renton location too..