Washington Babies

PG & TTC Check-In 7/11/11

We have 19 Pregnant Bumpies!!  (Please reply to the post if you would like your information added to the Check In!)  

6 are having GIRLS   

5 are having a BOYS

3 are keeping it a SURPRISE

5 are UNKNOWN just yet


We have 6 ladies TTC


Other News 



Baby Watch This Week! 


LauraLynneC, and news?


July 2011

4 - Courtney11405 - SURPRISE

4 ? outlandartist -  GIRL

6 - LauraLynneC ? BOY


August 2011

8 - QuincysBerry ? GIRL

8 - Britniejo ? BOY

25 - ohyeahdollface ? GIRL


October 2011

20 ? karebear219 - GIRL

23 (Possible CS 10/18)  ? IkesHawiian06 ? BOY

24 ? BriAndSean ? SURPRISE

31 (Possible CS 10/17) - ~Lynchie~ - BOY x 2


November 2011

7 ? jenseattle07 ? BOY

11 ? kristalovesjared - GIRL

26 ? AimeeJo ? GIRL


January 2012

6 ? crystalw13 ? SURPRISE

26 - WatchPot ? UNKNOWN


February 2012

8 ? patsad24 - UNKNOWN

20 ? mommymeg83 - UNKNOWN

21 ? cmcmillan ? UNKNOWN

21 ? jennlin ? UNKNOWN


Trying to Conceive

dawnies79 ? May 2011 (took a TTC break, but now we?re back)

Alli923 ? June 2011

tst1998 ? August 2009

KRoesToes ? December 2008




Pregnant Questions

1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 

2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?

3. What are you looking forward to this week?

4. Questions for next week?


***When appropriate, please try to answer the TTC questions as it gives the ladies some insight as well!***


TTCing Questions

1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW?

2. What are you looking forward to this week?

3. We are "behind" all my friends in having kids. Their kids will all be 1-2 years old that ours (assuming IVF works). Does the age of your kids matter for socializing with mom friends? ?tst1998

4. Questions for next week?
Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: PG & TTC Check-In 7/11/11

  • STILL HERE!  :)


    Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?  41 weeks...nothing new at all. 

    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?  Wednesday - nothing special - maybe we'll discuss induction, I'm not sure.

    3. What are you looking forward to this week?  let's hope a baby!!

    4. Questions for next week?  For the women close to your due date, do you ever wish you'd kept the actual date to yourself (I'm relatively patient with the people who point out just how "overdue" I am) 


    Last week was an Ultrasound on Wednesday that measured baby and fluid and checked the placenta - everything's still working as intended and baby's doing well.  NST on Friday showed the same - we're just in a holding pattern. 

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  • No baby yet here either.

    Hey LauraLynneC-so glad to have company in the wait!!!!  But also sorry to hear that you are having to learn some crazy good patience too.  I do wish people didn't expect an exact date for a due-date.  So much pressure from everyone to be "on time"-whatever that means.  Now when people ask me when I am due I just say "tomorrow" to avoid the "when is your scheduled C-Section" question.  

    Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 

    41 weeks as of today.  The only pain is the anticipation...when will the baby be ready???  I have been having some contractions (nothing regular) but with every short burst of regular contractions I wonder....is it time yet?  Driving me crazy  I also officially started my leave from work today...so now my husband and I are starting some house projects to keep me sane 


    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?

    We have an appointment tomorrow.  Last week she had said that most first time moms, if left alone, will go 7-10 days past their "due date" so I am sure she will do some standard monitoring and we will talk about other testing to be sure the baby is still healthy in there.  But as of the last check all was very well.  Baby just wants more time. 

    3. What are you looking forward to this week?

    Hopefully a baby 

    4. Questions for next week?

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  • Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?  7-8, upset tummy after eating.

    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Thurs, with nurse.

    3. What are you looking forward to this week? Playdate and heading to the Oregon Coast over the weekend.

    4. Questions for next week? How early did you start buying baby stuff?


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  • LauraLynn:  BABY DUST coming your way.  Are you still working???


    Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?   I'm in my 12th week (11 weeks 6 days) how did that happen?

    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Tomorrow is my first MW appointment so it's a meet and greet and see the baby.  I haven't seen HB since 6 weeks and it was kinda low at that time so I'm excited to see it again.

    3. What are you looking forward to this week?  We are halfway through a house remodel project and the house is a MESS.  I'm looking forward to being more done so we can put the house back together a bit more. 

    4. Questions for next week?


    ***When appropriate, please try to answer the TTC questions as it gives the ladies some insight as well!***


    TTCing Questions

    3. We are "behind" all my friends in having kids. Their kids will all be 1-2 years old that ours (assuming IVF works). Does the age of your kids matter for socializing with mom friends? ?tst1998  not a ton, it's easier to have play dates with kids your LO's age but that just means you get to make more friends!  We have friends with kids 2 years older and 2 years younger than W and he loves to chase around the big kids or play with the babies. 

    4. Questions for next week?

    BIG Brother born 10/19/07 little Brother born 1/31/12
  • imageWatchPot:

    LauraLynne:  BABY DUST coming your way.  Are you still working???

    Yup - M-F job plus several days a week at DH's business...

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  • Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?  8. Just all day morning sickness.

    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Thursday - meet & greet with new midwife. Not really sure what to expect since I used an OB with #1

    3. What are you looking forward to this week? my doc appt on Thursday, cause that also means I get to sleep in a little.

    4. Questions for next week?


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  • imagecourtney11405:

    No baby yet here either.


    I'm sorry I missed that. For some reason I had it in my head you had your baby already. Maybe it was just wishful thinking for you? Stick out tongue 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
    8, i think. no..but my chest is still ridiculously sore.

    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
    7/27. i don't know...

    3. What are you looking forward to this week?
    not a lot planned, so SLEEP!

    4. Questions for next week?


    ***When appropriate, please try to answer the TTC questions as it gives the ladies some insight as well!***


    TTCing Questions

    3. We are "behind" all my friends in having kids. Their kids will all be 1-2 years old that ours (assuming IVF works). Does the age of your kids matter for socializing with mom friends? ?tst1998
    i think so. but within a few years will be okay. i think it's more difficult when there's a 5 or 6 yr age gap when the kids are going to different types of schools, etc. 1 or 2 years, the mom with a few years more experience can talk about recent experiences with the new mom. whereas if we had a 5-6 yr age difference, talking about something 5 or 6 years ago isn't as interesting.

  • I just realized I didn't check-in last week. Duh! 

    TTCing Questions

    1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? 3rd Cycle, 2WW

    2. What are you looking forward to this week? Girls weekend starts Friday. Sunland here we come!

    3. We are "behind" all my friends in having kids. Their kids will all be 1-2 years old that ours (assuming IVF works). Does the age of your kids matter for socializing with mom friends? ?tst1998

    I have no advice here (obviously). I'm the exact opposite; most our friends aren't even married yet despite being in our 30's.

    4. Questions for next week? None
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  •  TTCing Questions1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? Cycle 2, waiting to O2. What are you looking forward to this week? Catching up on time with my kiddo since I was gone this weekend3. We are "behind" all my friends in having kids. Their kids will all be 1-2 years old that ours (assuming IVF works). Does the age of your kids matter for socializing with mom friends? I don't think a few years difference really matters.  Lucy has friends anywhere from a few months to 4 years older.  I think it is actually a good thing to have a range of ages.  There is lots that kids can learn and benefit from when they are surrounded by children older and younger than them.

    4. Questions for next week? n/a

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  • It's about time I started posting on the TTC check-in, officially.

    TTCing Questions

    1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? Cycle number infinity (I lost track), we have been seriously trying and tracking since Jan 2011. We are hoping not to have to do IVF again. Waiting to O then lost of naked time.

    2. What are you looking forward to this week? Looking forward to lots of naked time with hubby.  Not looking forward to my sista-in-law coming to visit, I am very happy she can't stay with us this time tho.  :-)

    3. We are "behind" all my friends in having kids. Their kids will all be 1-2 years old that ours (assuming IVF works). Does the age of your kids matter for socializing with mom friends? ?tst1998 We have a variety of friends that all have kids close in age and lots that have older kids.  I do think it is important to find some moms that have kids close to your age tho, they don't have to be your very best friends or the people you hangout with or vacation with, just for the support it gives you.  You can lean on each other when going thru BFing issues, sleep, etc.  I rec the Evregreen parent/baby groups.

    4. Questions for next week?  Am I the only one who has a self pitty party every month AF shows with a bottle of wine or two?

    My siggy never works right! Our bug is almost 3 now! image
  • TTCing Questions

    1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O

    2. What are you looking forward to this week? Taking 4 days to see my aunt & uncle this weekend. :)

    3. We are "behind" all my friends in having kids. Their kids will all be 1-2 years old that ours (assuming IVF works). Does the age of your kids matter for socializing with mom friends? ?tst19984.

    This is something I think about...  In most of our social circles, we're the last to have kids.  However, in our families, we're not.  We're expecting our first niece this month (eek!) but none of our other brothers have headed down this path yet.  So hopefully we won't be too far behind my BIL & SIL. :)  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageKglan:

    It's about time I started posting on the TTC check-in, officially.

    Welcome! I'll add you to the list. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • I only bump from my phone now so it's tough to do the check-ins, but I'm still here and reading every week :)
    I'm 25 weeks today and still feeling great. Definitely more BH than with my other two, but nothing uoo bad. My next appt is the end of this month. I'll have my GTT at that one. Yay! ;) Looking forward to Vacation Bible Camp all week long, and then this week-end we will be in the Covington Days parade and having a BBQ with friends. Should be a busy but fun week! Here's hoping for some babies this week for you patiently waiting ladies. Good luck!
  • 1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?   24, lately my hips have been popping out of their sockets when I try and roll over in the middle of the night.. its not pleasant i tell ya!

    2. When is your next appointment?  It was today! Will anything special happen at that appointment?  Just the regular ultrasound/weight check/ belly measurement

    3. What are you looking forward to this week?  Just hanging out with friends, nothing too exciting (sorry friends ;) )

    4. Questions for next week?

    imageimageLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers image . Ice Ice Binky Formerly FutureMrsLynch
  • I'm new to posting on the Seattle boards:)

    TTCing Questions

    1. What cycle are you on? I am waiting to O. This is our first 'official' month of trying. My cycle was pretty messed up after going off birth control in May (after 11 years) so I feel like I finally have two good months under my belt.

    2. What are you looking forward to this week? Bite of Seattle! I love food:)

    3. We have only one other couple friend who is pregnant and then we will be the next hopefully. The rest will be about a year behind us all but they are so excited for everyone to have babies that I don't think it will affect our relationships negatively. It's really important to us to keep doing fun things with a baby in tow. Most of our friends are worried about their kids being younger than our's but I don't think it will matter much. I will probably join some mommy groups when I'm pregnant to have some same-age friends but we aren't giving up our close friends just because our kids will be different ages. Probably our second baby will be close to their first and it will all be fine.

  • Pregnant Questions1. What week are you in? 22 Any new aches or pains? Just super tired! I've been sleeping a lot better than I was a couple weeks ago. 2. When is your next appointment? 2 weeks. Will anything special happen at that appointment? nope... maybe the wonderful GD test, but that might be at the following appt. I forget.3. What are you looking forward to this week? having internet now that we're back in vancouver and working on my photography website!4. Questions for next week? is your pregnancy going by fast or slow?
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  • Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?  26, nothing new

    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? 7/26, gotta retake that darn Glucose test.

    3. What are you looking forward to this week? Starting out labor and birthing class

    4. Questions for next week? Anyone take any other of the classes offered by the hospital? Any recommendations or are they a waste of money?

    Newlywed Athlete Blog
    DD Arrived 10/17/2011
    2012 Races
    Valentine's Day Dash - 5k - 2/11/12 - 34:21
    Kirkland 5k - 5/13/12 - 31:59
  • 1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? August is our 2 year TTC anniversary. Currently waiting to O, but DH is out of town so it will probably be a wasted cycle.


    2. What are you looking forward to this week? Brunch with friends on Saturday. I love my girl time.


    3. Questions for next week? Nope. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    TTC #1 since 2009 with unexplained infertility
    IUI#1-4 Jan.-Apr. 2011 = BFNs
    IVF#1 Aug. 2011 = c/p, FET #1 Nov. 2011 = c/p, FET #2 April 2012 = BFP!
    Beta #1 = 153, Beta #2 = 269, Beta #3 = 675
    1st U/S = TWINS!! EDD 12/29/12
    my blog: Journey to Somewhere
    April IVF Spring Chicks

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Pregnant Questions

    1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 36 weeks, nothing new. Oops! Abby is now hiccupping down low and kicking me in the ribs daily, so it seems she moved from transverse to head down! Thank you baby girl :)

    2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Tomorrow morning. It'll be my first internal and my strep b test.

    3. What are you looking forward to this week? My appointment! I'll be bringing my little sister and I'm sure she'll get a kick out of hearing baby's heartbeat (our dad did an interesting imitation of what he remembers it sounding like from my mom's pregnancies. Good stuff, let me tell ya!)

    4. Questions for next week? For experienced moms, how long did your LO fit into newborn sized diapers and clothes? How many of each should you have on hand?

    ETA: Answer to question 1.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagedawnies79:

    No baby yet here either.


    I'm sorry I missed that. For some reason I had it in my head you had your baby already. Maybe it was just wishful thinking for you? Stick out tongue 


    No worries :)  I thought he/she'd be here by now too!  :) 

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