July 2011 Moms

5 days late and lost the MP

Wow, this is HARDER then I thought it would be.  I was right on time with my first, born on his due date.  I thought for sure I would have had this baby by now--what a mistake that was! 

Last night for about 6 hours I had timetable very MINOR contractions at about 9 minutes apart.  They only lasted 30 seconds and were so minor that if I was really active, I didn't really feel them except for the tightening.  They were a little bit more intense then the BH I have had the entire time.  I was getting excited thinking it could be it, then went to bed and sometime in the middle of the night they went away.

Then I woke up this morning, went to the bathroom, and lost my MP!  I started to get excited again, but then I realized, it could be weeks for some women! 

I just don't want to be induced and now have 6 days until induction date--so this time last week at least I know I will have a baby!

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