July 2011 Moms

NBR: Any tips for taking bp at home?

I check my bp at home because it has been kinda high at the doctor's office, but usually it is fine here or whenever I check at Wal-Mart. I also have two NSTs a week, and it's fine there too.

Anyway, I've got a digital monitor at home that my mom loaned me and I've taken it to the Dr.'s office to test its accuracy, and they said it was good, but lately I've had trouble with it. It will get way too tight when it's inflated and give me either an "E" for error or a super high reading (which then stresses me out more if I'd like to test again). I thought I had put it on too tight but then when I loosen it, it just gets tighter when it inflates.

If any of you have one of these, do you have any tips to get an accurate reading? Usually I test sitting in a chair with my arm on the armrest or a table next to it. When I've tried to test lying on my side (as they've done at the dr.'s a few times), I obviously get a better reading, but which one is accurate?

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Re: NBR: Any tips for taking bp at home?

  • In the hospital when they did vitals the NAs always told me to totally relax my arm. If I bent it or had it resting on something they said the cuff would get too tight. I'd be sure your arm is in a relaxed position. I've never used a home BP cuff, maybe you could find the user manual online if your mom didn't give it to you.
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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


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