So H brought his car in for what was supposed to be a basic break job. An hour later we got a call from the mechanic saying it would be $1000 and it won't be done until Monday. Apparently he had worn his breaks down completely- then his rotors, then whatever the part is connecting the wheel to the car.. (who knows) But what a hit with LO coming any minute now. I was just sobbing having to take all of that cash out of savings. I'm really devastated by this since I've been really hustling to try to get ahead of the bills as much as possible before LO arrives.
Just wanted to vent it out and get over it so I don't sit here dwelling over it for the rest of the weekend.
Hope everyone else's weekend is going MUCH better than ours. *sad face*
Re: Depressing financial hit (vent) NBR
Ugh, that hurts
I hate it when you aren't emotionally ready for a huge check/charge. For a while it seemed every time we took h's car in for an oil change we'd leave with a $600 bill.
Our pit was our trees. One of our oak trees in the back was dead so we figured we'd have it taken down before LO got here or it fell into the house. While the guys were here I asked them to look at another tree that had tons of woodpecker holes. That one had to come down too. $2000
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