....apparently I sew. I've been making baby clothes for the last 2 weeks non-stop. Its becoming a rather expensive past time too. I think at this point I really need the nesting bug to kick in because my house is being neglected in favor of the sewing machine.
I put some pictures of the clothes I've been making on Flickr if you want to see.
Re: Some people clean to get ready....
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I don't sell anything at this point. I've thinking of starting something small, but I need to get faster to make it worth my time.
I want one, too! You have some amazing talent.
AH!!!!! Everything you made is so gorgeous!!!! My favorite is the little ruffled shorts! Seriously. So. Cute.
My nesting takes on the exact same form. My house is a disaster---but I have sewed myself in circles!
What do you think about Little Stitches for Little Ones? I've been sewing from Handmade Beginnings by Anna Maria Horner, but I've made everything in there (some things multiple times) and am thinking about getting Amy Butler's book. Any thoughts? I'm having a boy...harder to find good patterns!
I think its pretty good as far as ideas and has some really cute stuff. But, the directions truly suck on some of it. The red and blue dress that I made came from there and it was the most confusing thing I have ever done. I think I ripped out more stitches than I kept. The kimono pjs on the other hand was pretty easy and straight forward.
House / Baby blog