I have a friend who is due August 3rd and already has her induction scheduled for August 2nd. There is no medical reason she has to be induced, it's just because of convenience and she wanted to have a date set. Is it just me or is that weird?? I'm also slightly jealous (not of the induction, but of the fact that she might be having her baby before me!)
Also...how do you deal with telling friends, etc. you don't want visitors in the hospital? The only people I want to come are the grandparents...I would rather our friends wait to visit us after we're out of the hospital because I know I will want to rest, get used to BFing, and just not have to worry about looking appropriate for visitors.
But I've already had a few friends make comments like, "Well, I hope you have her before we leave for vacation so we don't miss it" and "When we come see you in the hospital..." like they have just assumed I want visitors. I haven't said anything yet, but how can I tell them nicely I would rather just have them wait to visit once we're home?!
Re: Random Thoughts...
Well you could just explain that you plan to be in the hospital for the very minimum time (I was out within 24 of delivery) so it would probably be best if they just planned to come by your house when you can actually have some time to visit. (whether or not that is actually true...). If that doesn't seem like it would work, pawn the job off to the hospital. They have no problem simply telling everyone, "sorry mommy and baby need their rest and are not accepting visitors or phone calls at this time". There is no need for it to be rude, but comfort for you and baby is more important than their expectiations if it comes to that. GL!