Thanks for your responses to my "Exhaustion" post earlier.
Here's the deal--they are 10 weeks old, they weigh about 10 lbs each. We are on a feeding schedule of 7, 11, 3, 7, 11, 3 . They eat about 4.5-5 oz a feeding. We put them to sleep around 7:30, wake them up at 11 for feeding and then I see who wakes up at night to eat--but if they do wake--they eat anywhere from 1-4.5 ozs. Only Rachel has gone from 12-6am w/o waking, a few times. Bella has never sttn. So, what should I do? I am not waking them past midnight--just seeing who wakes up and then I feed them b/c they seem to be hungry. They usually go right back to sleep after they eat at that time. Should I not be feeding them in the middle of the night? My pedi told me that by or before 16 lbs/6 months there should be no more middle of the night feedings--Any suggestions? TIA!
Re: Thank you for your responses!
lol....I will be the first poster to say that sounds like a load of crap. There are lots of ladies on the board whose babies are MUCH older than 6 months that still wake to eat.
Mine are just shy of 6 months and they are not showing any signs of stopping their nighttime feeding. Unfortunately I am not sure that there is anything you can do.
They should be ready to drop a feeding soon. My schedule is below:
I think what you are doing is fine, but if you want to start sleep training them you can, they need to be at least 9 lbs and taking 24oz. a day to sleep train. If you are interested I got the book The Baby Sleep Solution by Suzy Giordano, she is a baby coach that works here in the DC area and is very well known for her success with babies sleeping 12 hours by 12 weeks old. She developed this method with her twins. You can use this method to train up until 18 months old, so it is not too late to start if you want. It is a really fast read so you don't have to worry about when will you find time to fit that in.
Sleep training has been working for me, I have one that was sttn (meaning 12 hours) without a feed and one that was only getting up once a night, so it has really helped me out. I just make sure they are getting all of their ounces they need in a day during the day or trying in the case of Sydney who is still getting up, she is just not ready to take 6oz. in a bottle consistantly. Shayne takes 7-7.5 oz. at a feeding.
My schedule is a follows:
6AM - Feed then back down to sleep for a little while
7:30-8:00 - Up from nap, dress for the day
8:00-10:00 - play / mommy time (or go to daycare through the week)
10AM - Feed
10:30AM - down for nap
11:30AM - 12:30AM - wake up from nap sometime during this time, I let them wake themselves up from the nap.
12:30 - 2PM - play / go for outing or walk (if at daycare - play time or walk in stroller)
2PM - Feed
2:30PM - down for nap
3:30PM - up from nap (if at daycare - pick up time) / play time / daddy time
6PM - Final feed for the day in bed right after this usually by 6:30
6:30 - 2:00AM Sleep for Sydney (up for quick feed, no diaper change, just dream feed)
2:00AM - 6:00AM Sleep for Sydney
6:30 - 6:00AM Sleep for Shayne
My schedule (which follows Suzy's plan) has the girls eating every four hours during the day for twelve hours and then sleeping 12 hours. Right now we are facing some challenges because they started daycare this week and things have gotten off because of that, but hopefully they will recover this weekend and have a better week next week. I have to do my final feed and get ready for bed at 6PM, if we go longer my girls become real bears, they cannot handle being up past 6:30PM, that is just the way they are wired I guess.
Like you my pedi. said the girls should not be waking anymore for feedings once they reach 6 months old. I am hoping it is a lot sooner than that with this sleep training.