Ok. So I have been timing contractions for well over an hour and they are an average of 1 minute and a half in length and 2-4 minutes inbetween them. However, they aren't that painful(I can still talk and bounce on my birthing ball).
What do you think? Should I call? Sorry if this is an annoying post to anyone. : )
Re: Should I call? Contractions
I was told 5 min apart lasting a minute each for over an hour
By that, I would say you qualify
I was told to call if they are 3-4 minutes apart, 45-60 seconds in length, & I've been having them for at least an hour.
I would call if I were you. Be prepared for the possibility that they may check you and send you home... but it is definitely worth a trip to L&D!
Good luck! Hopefully it's the real thing!
I was told by several doctors/midwives that I should call when contractions are 5 minutes apart and lasting 1 minute for more than an hour, BUT they all said if you can carry on a normal conversation then you aren't in active labor yet and if I call they will just tell me to wait, or if I go to L&D I will probably get sent home.
That said, my grandmother had 2 babies without her contractions getting really painful (I am told she gave birth to my dad in her bed b/c she was fixing her hair and hanging out w/her sister until it was time to push. She didn't know it was time to go to the hospital b/c she wasn't hurting much) So you never know, and I'm sure she wasn't the first woman to have contractions that weren't too painful.