July 2011 Moms

T & P please (NBR)

Asking for thoughts and prayers.  I have a lead on a new job that would be GREAT and they don't want me to start until end of August, which would be about the time my maternity leave would be up...  Fingers crossed!
Mama of 2: one who grew in my womb, both who grow in my heart.

Re: T & P please (NBR)

  • MrsIMrsI member
    got it... but you might want to put NBR in the post.  You are getting a ton of views b/c everyone is assuming something is wring with you or baby...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hoping it works out for you!

    Ditto pp about changing the title of your post (I'm glad to know that everything is okay with you and LO!)

    DD Born July 2011
    TTC#2 for 4 years: multiple rounds of IVF, M/Cs, lots of tears.  Cautiously optimistic about #2 EDD 12/29/18
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  • Pooka8Pooka8 member

    T & P headed your way!


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