I'm starting to get desperate. DD2 doesn't sleep well. It doesn't surprise me since DD1 never really slept all that well either. The difference was, I could put DD1 down awake, and she'd put herself to sleep. DD2 fights sleep. She rarely nurses to sleep anymore. When I rock her, she fights sleep, tries to get out of my arms, gets upset if I put her down, etc. So DD2 now sleeps about 4 hours before her first waking. I bring her into our bed and nurse her. Then a couple hours later she's up again, crawling back and forth between DH and I, whining, just generally fussy. She'll fall asleep for 30-60 minutes and wake up again and again and again. I need to get more than a few hours of sleep at a time. By the time evening comes now, I have no patience for DD2's whining or DD1's sassiness.
So what books do you recommend? I've heard Ferber has some good sleep advice that isn't all CIO. Yes? What about the NCSS?
Re: Best non-CIO sleep book?
The only sleep book I read was Jodi Mindell's Sleeping Through the Night, so I don't know if it's the best one out there. It's does suggest some crying, but I thought the descriptions and reasonings she listed in the book were helpful to better understand my child's sleep patterns.
Frankly, the best thing that I did for my kids was have a set routine every night without fail to help them go to sleep. I offer my sympathies to your sleepless state and wish you plenty of .
She's definitely teething, which is making it even worse. Even when she's not teething, her sleep is similar. She sttn for 1 week right after turning 8 months.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13