July 2011 Moms

Any STL moms want to share their pregnancy diary?


We're looking for a pregnancy diary for our local STL magazine. If you live in the area and you've already had your LO, let me know if you're interested by emailing community@thebump.com.

Here's an example pregnancy diary-

my pregnancy diary


April 10

My husband,Carlos and I decided to take the "let?s see what happens" approach whenwe started trying to conceive. After 3 months, I was a week late & had beencramping. I took a pregnancy test to be sure ? it was positive! I was soexcited & nervous at the same time. Carlos was still sleeping when I tookthe test, so I left the test on the nightstand for him to see when he woke up.He came stumbling down the hall & said, "What does it mean?" I replied,"What do you mean, what do you mean?! It means...we're having aBABY!!" I had a feeling it was going to take a while to sink in for bothof us. We were cautiously optimistic until my first doctor's visit.

May 9

We decided thatthere was no better day to share the news with our family than Mother's Day! Wesurprised my parents by getting together for a portrait and on the count ofthree, had everyone say, "Barbara's pregnant!" Their reaction went fromconfused to speechless to ecstatic. Rounds of applause, hugs & tearscommenced.

June 3

It wasfinally time for the Nuchal Translucency Scan ? we were so excited! I couldn?tbelieve how much it really looked like a baby. We hoped that our baby wouldkeep that cute button nose. The technician said I had a perfect nuchal; we leftthe office feeling reassured and excited to embark on the next couple months ofpregnancy.

July 22

Wewere anxious to find out the gender at the next ultrasound. When the technician announced that wewould be having a boy, we were so elated! Throughout the rest of the anatomyscan, we just squeezed each other?s hands and held our breaths. The technicianexamined and measured the brain, heart, stomach, all the arm & leg bones,counted fingers & toes, etc. It was amazing! Everything checked out great.What a relief!

October 24

On the dayof my baby shower, I went to go visit my dad in the hospital, and ended upbeing an hour and a half late to the party (I just couldn?t tear myself awayfrom him). It was a blur. I made my rounds, scarfed down food and opened gifts.Although there was a cloud hanging over us, Carlos and I were so grateful forall the amazing food and thoughtful gifts.

December 12

On themorning of my due date, I woke up with contractions. I was unsure if what I wasfeeling was the real thing. Then suddenly ? a gush! I yelled for my husband, ashe was still up watching TV. We rushed to the hospital. When I was admitted, I wasalready 5 cm dilated. I was able to grit my teeth to 7 cm, but then I wasbegging for the epidural. Before I knew it, I was 10 cm and it was time topush! Anthony arrived at 1:55 PM, weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces and measuring 20inches long. It was love at first sight. He was more than we could have everhoped. I knew my dad was looking down from heaven. I wish he could have met mybaby boy. There is so much of my dad in my little Anthony, and makes him just thatmore special to us. 

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