So, I haven't been a super active poster here mainly b/c I didn't have too many pg issues. I know I was really lucky to avoid most of the traditional discomforts (m/s, constipation, swelling, GD, etc), so I usually kept my mouth shut.
Oh how karma has caught up! Erin Jane was born on Friday, July 1 via c-section. She's been healthy, but it seems like we've run into a bunch of bumps in our first week. BFing is our biggest issue. She doesn't latch properly and our first LC was useless. Fortunately, we have another appt today. She almost didn't get to come home b/c she lost so much weight initially. So, I've been pumping which also isn't going all that great. After the first engorgement, my left side seems to have practically dried up. I'm luck to get 10 mL out of it. The right one was great (30-45 mL), but now it's dropping production too (20-25 mL). I'm having to supplement more and more as her appetite grows, even though I'm pumping a TON & using all the standard tricks.
I'm also done bragging about how easy a scheduled c-section is. Between the spinal, Vicodin & Motrin, I wasn't able to poop for 5 days. The arse-splitting BMs I've had have given me the utmost respect for any woman who delivered vaginally. You guys are my heros!
Re: Karma is real (vent-ish)