Carter Joseph was born on June 29 at 3:50am via emergency c-section, 8lbs 14oz! I started having contractions Sunday night at 2am that continued through the day but then fizzled out late afternoon, they never got close enough to go in. Fast forward a few hours and they started back up again. DH stayed home with me on Tuesday and helped me through them, around 2 I called my OB and the contractions were finally close enough to head in! We got to the hospital and I got checked, contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and I was 3cm dilated and 90% effaced so we got to stay! A few hours late the doctor came and broke my water, I had progressed to 4cm and 100% effaced. I got my epidural at that point and tried to get some sleep. At some point my contractions slowed down so they started me on pitocin to speed them up again but after an hour or two Carter's heartbeat sped up and he was under fetal distress. I had only progress to 5cm dilated so the doctor made the call to do a c-section. Overall it wasn't too terrible, they had to redo my epidural though because I could still feel by tummy when they tested the area they were going to cut. That was a little stressful but once it started working I felt much better! Within 20 minutes or so we finally got to meet our son
We are all doing great and I am recovering well. Good luck to all you July mommas still waiting on your LOs!
Edit: to clarify
Re: Carter Joseph is here!
3 more miscarriages and finally a correct diagnosis (septate uterus) and a corrective uterine surgery later, our second blessing is here!
~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~
Here We Go Again!!