July 2011 Moms

WWYD re: scheduling induction?

I had my 40 week appointment today, and nothing... baby hasn't dropped, not dilated at all (not even a fingertip), no contractions, etc. 

My doctor wants me to come in next week for my 41 week appointment (I'll be 41w1d) and schedule my induction for either 41w2d or 41w3d.  I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this since my little guy seems to want to bake for a while longer.  I think it might be better to wait until 41w6d or 42w to schedule the induction.  (They don't do inductions on the weekend).  

The problem is, the doctor does not do stress tests or ultrasounds or anything to make sure LO is healthy and okay to bake longer... they just assume all is well.  I'm uncomfortable with this, especially since his movement has decreased drastically.

WWYD?  Go for the earlier induction and risk a c-section because LO is not ready, or wait it out? 

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Re: WWYD re: scheduling induction?

  • Why doesn't he do NST's? Just curious
    ~Kati~ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • They say it's not necessary.  

    I forgot to add, I know he could come before my appointment next week... but I'm not very optimistic.  Big Smile 

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  • I personally would be comfortable going until 41 weeks without a NST. It helps that I know without a doubt that my dates are correct, though.  I'd go to your next appointment and ask for your Bishop score (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_score).  This will tell you how favorable you are for an induction and you can make a decision from there.  Personally, after seeing lots and lots of family members go in for induction, struggle for hours, and then end in a c-section I'd hold off as long as you and your OB are comfortable with depending on that score.  
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  • Thanks, lucylea... that is some really good information!

    I also know without a doubt that my dates are correct, since I was charting.  In fact, my original EDD (based on LMP) was in June, but I told them what the actual due date should be and it was verified at my dating U/S.
    I'd be comfortable waiting for the induction, but I'm NOT comfortable with no sort of testing, especially since LO's movements have become much less frequent.  (When I mentioned that to the OB, she said, "Well as long as you feel him at all, you're fine!") 
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  • Having just gone thru and induction last week, that ended with two days of labor and then evenutally a c-section becasue baby wasn't ready...I wouldn't do it again.

    I had GD, thus the reason to go early, but seriously, I would never do that again, I would just schedule a c-section. 

    I was no where near ready (well, baby wasn't) and tried cervix rippening twice Tuesday, the pill thing they do, twice Wednesday, eventually breaking my water and pitocin, and then ended with a c-section becasue of no progression after two days. 


    I would want NST tests though, not sure why they aren't doing them since you are past 40 weeks.  But thats just me.

  • abrazzabrazz member
    Mine doesn't do NST's either.  Once I hit 41 weeks he wants to induce and I will probably be ready by then for induction.  I just pray it goes well.  Hopefully your LO will be here before you know it and you won't have to keep worrying about the possible induction.

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  • I am being induced at 41 weeks. LO measured a little big last week so they want to er on the side of caution just in case he is too big and I end up with a c/s anyway. If it's just because and you want to wait I would insist on an NST if insurance will cover it.
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  • i agree with your gut feeling here. i would want to push the induction back as far as possible. so for me that's 42 weeks... but ONLY if i can know for sure LO is doing well.

    i dont care what i have to do to get what I know is best for me and my child. If it were me I would not consent to the induction. Then I would call and say i've felt a decrease in movement, and insist on an NST. In fact, I have labor and delivery's direct phone number on my cell phone. if i can't get in touch with my doctor's office (b/c they usually have a hard time answering all their calls) i call L&D and once they told me to come directly there. they did an NST on site.

    sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. and for me, this is what i would do if i were in your shoes.

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