Hi ladies!
Sorry I haven't posted sooner but I've been busy with the LO! Kellen Robert was born Friday July 1, 2011 at 10:51 am via c-section. The plan was for a vaginal birth but Kellen was "sunny side up" and unable to be turned. After 3 hours of being stuck at 9cm and attempting to push out a baby that didnt want to come past my pelvis and facing the wrong direction, I was the winner of a brand new c-section!!! . There was nothing better in the world than to hear the sound of his cry once the doctor pulled him out. He was 6lb 1oz and 19cm. I am so in love with this little person, it still amazes me! I'm not sure how to post PIP but if I figure it out or someone can tell me, I would love to post of pic of my LO.
PS.....For those of you who were involved in the previous conversation, I went with my open mind and we chose Kellen Robert over Jaxson Robert! lol
Re: OH BABY!!!!!!!
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007