July 2011 Moms

Installing Mirror/Shades in Car

Today I had our car seat checked and they told me not to put any mirrors or window shades in my car since they could be projectiles in a crash.

I had already bought the FP Rainforest mirror...it attaches to the back of the headrest with velcro straps and seems like it would be pretty secure...and the window shades as well...but now I don't know if I should use them?

I have seen so many people with these things that I can't imagine it would be THAT unsafe, but of course since I'm a FTM I want to make the right decision...

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Re: Installing Mirror/Shades in Car

  • We don't use them and also don't keep anything in the back window as even the smallest things can become dangerous projectiles in an accident.  Another tip we picked up was not to leave the bar/handle of the infant carrier up as that blocks the seat from bouncing back into the back of the seat in an event of an accident.  I see so many people driving around with it up with toys attached and wouldn't have thought anything of it until they told us at our carseat check.   Unfortunately, lots of people do lots of things that are unsafe just because they either don't know better or figure its not that big of a deal.  

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  • Hmm, I haven't heard that before.  Our mirror attaches with a hook to the headrest LATCH thingie.  I can't imagine it flying too far in an accident. 



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  • I never knew this! So good to know...thanks! 
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  • I can see it happening, when we got into an accident after grocery shopping, somehow YOGURT from our TRUNK got splattered all over the dashboard and front seats.  Makes no sense.
  • I heard the same things at my infant care class. It is also a concern that something could hit the mirror and shatter it and then you have shards of glass everywhere which is very dangerous.
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  • We heard the same thing at our inspection. We weren't planning on a mirror anyway (I don't think they're all that necessary) but instead of doing the roll out window shades that suction to the window, we are going to try window clings we found at Target. It was five bucks for a pack of two and sold in the baby section right by the other shades. They stick right to the window and were approved to use by the officer that checked our seat. I'm not exactly super big into "child proofing" but I do think that in a crash, even a small one, things that seem secure become loose and dangerous. 



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  • we were told the same thing, however the thought of not being able to see my dd while driving terrifies me.  She could be turning blue, spitting up and I may not hear it or know.  We put it in as I am a paranoid ftm.
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  • imageShelleybell:
    we were told the same thing, however the thought of not being able to see my dd while driving terrifies me.  She could be turning blue, spitting up and I may not hear it or know.  We put it in as I am a paranoid ftm.


    I haven't heard anything about this, but I'm with you.  I'm paranoid that something could be happening and I wouldn't be able to see her! 

  • Very true- but like most things, it becomes a personal decision.  Honestly, even your purse or water bottle or soda can or sunglasses (or the baby's sippy cup or bottle) can become a projectile.

    For us, initially, we didn't have any mirrors because of the risk.  But DS was a "happy spitter" and I was worried about him choking.  So we ended up buying mirrors- I bought one that was flexible and covered in fabric around the edges.  We live in the city and rush hour traffic can be horrendous- it was important to me to know that DS was okay.

    We did not use the roll-up shades- I felt that those were too hard/dangerous if they became detached- plus they didn't really cover the entire window and didn't help with the back window and sun coming in from that.  We ended up getting the back windows in our car tinted darker- but you could also buy the clings.

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  • imagestarz57182:

    We heard the same thing at our inspection. We weren't planning on a mirror anyway (I don't think they're all that necessary) but instead of doing the roll out window shades that suction to the window, we are going to try window clings we found at Target. It was five bucks for a pack of two and sold in the baby section right by the other shades. They stick right to the window and were approved to use by the officer that checked our seat. I'm not exactly super big into "child proofing" but I do think that in a crash, even a small one, things that seem secure become loose and dangerous. 



    I'll have to look into these window clings.  Do you know the brand or can you tell me what aisle you found them in? 

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  • I use a mirror. In an accident I'd be more concerned over the force my 20lb stroller will gain flying thru the air than the safety mirror with fabric in have. Ymmv. I plan to talk to MH about how to secure heavy things better as the carseat tech mentioned that was my largest risk driving a crossover with no "trunk". Also consider where you keep your purse, diaper bag, and other baby gear when you travel if you don't have a traditional trunk. If you have a car don't keep ice scrapers or Kleenex boxes, etc in your back window.
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  • We were told the same thing - don't use the baby mirrors & shades as they can be projectiles.  In the class and the trooper that installed the car seat recommended getting the darkening adhesives for the rear windows if we wanted to shade the backseat. 

    I received the shade during my shower and have to exchange it.   


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