I'm almost 37 weeks. When I had a BM this am I had light pink bleeding...is this normal? It didnt last for too long. Waiting to hear back from dr. Thanks!
I have had the occational light streak of blood on the toilet paper after a BM for the last couple months. I dont have any external hemoroids, but am sure this tiny bit of blood is coming from the combination of the increased blood flow down there and the pressure of having a large BM. If you're concerned, it probably wouldn't hurt to ask at your next appt....
I had some this weekend. I called the Dr. and he said it was normal, that even the slightest start to dilation can cause some spotting. I had an u/s today and everything was fine too.
DD #1 born 9/07 ** DD #2 born 7/11 ** Operation Take Back My Body has begun 10/11 Upcoming Races Gobble Wobble 5K 11/24/11 - Abington, PA 29:40 Superbowl 10K 02/05/12 - Allentown, PA 54:28 PR!!!! Broad Street 10 Mile Run 05/06/12 - Philadelphia, PA 1:30:44 Rock and Roll Half Marathon 09/16/12 - Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia (Half?!?) Marathon 11/18/12 - Philadelphia, PA
Re: Light pink bleeding?
Could you be losing your plug?
DD #1 born 9/07 ** DD #2 born 7/11 ** Operation Take Back My Body has begun 10/11
Upcoming Races
Gobble Wobble 5K 11/24/11 - Abington, PA 29:40
Superbowl 10K 02/05/12 - Allentown, PA 54:28 PR!!!!
Broad Street 10 Mile Run 05/06/12 - Philadelphia, PA 1:30:44
Rock and Roll Half Marathon 09/16/12 - Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia (Half?!?) Marathon 11/18/12 - Philadelphia, PA