FTM, no idea what a contraction feels like. I haven't felt any BH. I have had cramping off and on for the past two days. Once in a while a sharp pain but for the most part they are just like menstrual cramps.
Do some ladeis have these for a few weeks or could this mean something is brewing???
Re: cramping for two days
Ive never felt any BH, but in the past week I have been feeling a little crampy. Like you said, it doesn't hurt really, just feels like period crampy.
I'm not sure if it really means anything. Just standard baby cookin' stuff.
maybe it's some effacing going on....? I have no idea
I noticed that alot of the latest birth stories have begun with having "cramping" so it got me excited but I really don't think he's on his way quite yet....
I was actually hoping for that in my last appt...but my Dr told me "NOTHING is going on" up in there. But you are a few weeks ahead of me...so the cramping may mean something more to you!!!! GL!
Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13
Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13
BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14
All Alers Welcome!
FTM here too.
I've had BH throughout most of my pregnancy and no pain just soreness from so many. A couple weeks ago, after my internal exam, I had some cramping a couple days after and on-and-off in the weeks after that. Tolerable.
This weekend (after the fireworks) I had what I believe were contractions... and they were clench-your-fists (which I know I'm not supposed to do) kind of cramping.
So, given that I *think* I've had both, I'd say if it was just uncomfort - it probably wasn't contractions.
Hope this helps. I've asked BTDT moms a million times what they feel like and everyone says different things... I guess there is no way to explain it. Lucky for us
I woke up today with cramps and a backache and I think I am losing my plug. I hope this means something!
When I was pg with DD I never felt BH. I would get crampy, but even when I was 41 weeks I was only "a fingertip" dilated (and I think the MW was being generous). So it's possible to be crampy and it not be doing anything.
It's hard to describe what real ctx feel like, but it's true that when they start in earnest, you'll know. Early/false labor can play all kinds of mind games, but when it's show time, you'll know.