July 2011 Moms


So I breastfed with my daughter but was wondering what happens if you don't breast feed? My MIL said they give you a pill that dries you up but I read they don't do that anymore. Also, Breastfeeding helps your uterus contract after delivery so what happens with that?
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Re: Breastfeeding

  • They don't give you a pill anymore- my old boss actually had a brain aneurism from that medicine!  But what'll happen is your milk will come in and as long as you don't express any of it it'll go away - I have no idea how long it takes, though.  If you express any to relieve the engorgement they'll just make more. 


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  • My friend didn't breastfeed either of hers and she said it came in right away, she used a sports bra to push them down and she was fine a few days later. They don't give the medicine anymore; it's not worth the risks.
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  • I had a stillbirth with my first. Dr. told me to just wear a really tight sports bra for a few days and the milk would go away. It was uncomfortable for a bit but nothing bad. The key is not to touch them, so they don't express.

    As for the uterus contracting back, it will on it's own. It may take longer do to lack fo bf but it's not a big deal/something you'll ever notice.

  • I had a friend who didn't BF so her doctor just had her put bags of frozen peas on her chest for a few days. I guess it was meant to relieve some of the engorgement pain and possibly make her supply go down? Not really sure but I think that's all she did and a few days later she was fine.
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  • I did not breastfeed DD#1 and won't do it for DD#2 wither. I took a big ache bandage and wrapped it real tight around my chest and put a sports bra on over that. I also did put some ice packs on my chest when it was really bad. It lasted about 4-5 days but then all was dried up. As far as your uterus going back it did that on its own. I did message my stomach a little most days to help it out but it just went away on its own. This time around I got a belly bandit and I am going to try and see how that works.
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