So I breastfed with my daughter but was wondering what happens if you don't breast feed? My MIL said they give you a pill that dries you up but I read they don't do that anymore. Also, Breastfeeding helps your uterus contract after delivery so what happens with that?
Re: Breastfeeding
They don't give you a pill anymore- my old boss actually had a brain aneurism from that medicine! But what'll happen is your milk will come in and as long as you don't express any of it it'll go away - I have no idea how long it takes, though. If you express any to relieve the engorgement they'll just make more.
3 more miscarriages and finally a correct diagnosis (septate uterus) and a corrective uterine surgery later, our second blessing is here!
I had a stillbirth with my first. Dr. told me to just wear a really tight sports bra for a few days and the milk would go away. It was uncomfortable for a bit but nothing bad. The key is not to touch them, so they don't express.
As for the uterus contracting back, it will on it's own. It may take longer do to lack fo bf but it's not a big deal/something you'll ever notice.