I start my last year (2nd year) of Dental Hygiene school Aug. 22. My school does have a lactation room, however, it is on the other side of school building from the dental clinic and classrooms, and I have heard that people of certain religion use the lactation room to pray. Last year there was a 2nd year dh student who used the dental supply room to pump. So I checked with the head chair of the program to see if I could do that same and she said it was fine just make a nice, neat sign with one of those clocks to hang on the door when I am in there.
So...my questions is:what should the sign say? I was thinking "In use until" and then have the clock with the set time. Thank You" but I was also thinking of adding either "Please knock, in use until..." or "Privacy Please, in use until..."
Re: Lactation sign verbage?