Cloth Diapering

Wool help

Hi ladies~ I fell headfirst off the wagon and started ordering some wool to try for nighttime...Problem is I know nothing about how to care for wool!  Any links you like or tips I should know before I begin my research??

Re: Wool help

  • The FAQs at the top of the board has something about wool. It should have a good overview as well as care and feeding basics.

    The big things to know are:

    1. Find out if your item is already lanolized. If so, you're ahead of the game

    2. You can reuse (just air out between uses) wool items until they become soiled or stinky even after an airing

    3. Wash, lanolize, dry, and they're ready to use again

  • Oh duh me- I didn't even see that FAQ until you mentioned it...Thank you!!  =)
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