so we're all close to the ends of our ropes. either with a new baby or with the last weeks/days of our pregnancy. plus its hot. and this isn't that fun. so here i go with my most recent *** session.
MIL and FIL came down from NJ this weekend to see our new house and visit one more time before the baby comes (i've got 3 or so weeks to go). they were just down for the day b/c they couldn't board their dogs in time, the place was booked up.
it was a fine visit in terms of their stupid comments for the most part. but as it was time for them to go we discussed how things would go when the baby is born as far as their visiting schedule. here's some back story to get you caught up:
1.they are having a huge family reunion beach house week in North Carolina starting august 8 through the 15. we were supposed to be going but got pregnant instead (nice timing baby, mommy thanks you). so they are worried that if the baby doesnt come on his due date or close to it, they might be at the beach when it happens. (darn).
2.last week DH was asking his dad about the dog boarding situation. he asked specifically "well if you have this much trouble getting a spot for the dogs on short notice, why would you think it would be any different when we call to say the baby is on his way? what would you do then?" FIL's only answer was "we've got it covered". DH asked what he meant, FIL hushed him and said "dont worry about it, we've got a plan". fine. dont tell us.
so back to the end of the most recent visit. we're talking about when we'll see them again is when the baby is here. FIL looks at me and says "well we've got reservations for the dogs and for the hotel down the street august 4, 5, 6, and 7. that way we wont miss anything." um... what? ahhhh i see, THIS is what he meant by "we've got it covered". he is a sneaky son of a B and decided the baby would be born on or before august 4th, and they would be staying for 4 days in a hotel down the street. then he goes on to say "and then when the whole family is leaving NC and driving back to NJ we can all stop off at your place to let everyone see the baby!!! i love how this all worked out!"
ok no. if the baby is born on or before aug.4 then fine. they can stay at the hotel and wait to come over until i'm ready for visitors. fine. but if i have not gone into labor they can stay their asses in NJ until I do go into labor. i refuse to entertain these people in the last days of my pregnancy and hell will freez over before they follow us to the hospital and get all up in my face there. no way. oh and the 18 (yes really 18) other cousins, siblings and their annoying kids will NOT just drop by to my townhouse 2 weeks after ive given birth. i wouldn't be able to deal with that many people in my house if i was God himself. so no.
i'm prob being a bit dramatic here. but i get so mad when other people plan out what they're going to be doing in ways that affect my life without telling me first. just assuming it's fine with me.
ok i'm done. thank you for reading. now i'm going to eat some brownies.
Re: ok, now i'm going to vent
Ahhh sooo jealous!! Brownies sounds AAAAAMMMAZING right now
I am for sure going to go to the store to get a box so that I can make them, yuuuummyy =D
As for your in-laws...sorry thats really frustrating that they just decided on their own to do whatever they wanted instead of asking you fand your husband first. Yea, they are probably excited, but that still doesn't give people the right to be inconsiderate to your plans and needs. No matter if they are family or not.
I hope your brownies made it better
It is truly fascinating (in a bad way) how grandchildren seem to pull out the lack-of-respect-for-their-children part of family relationships. Isn't that weird to anyone else?
Personally, I have no idea how I'm going to react but MH and I agreed and comunicated with everyone that only family (sadly, one his family since they live here in Germany and mine are in the US) are welcome at the hospital. Then friends and extended family at home. Now, however, my husband's grandmother is in the hospital and will most likely die soon ... which sort of changes a lot because his father is very close to his mother and has dedicated a significant amount of time each day to caring for her. He'll need to do something with that time and a little baby is some soothing and life-affirming. Oh, I dunno.
Sorry - I got off on a personal tangent there. Good luck clearing this situation up with your in laws. Maybe it would be a good idea to start making a list of all the things they can do while they are "visiting" to "help" you?