July 2011 Moms

How big is your hospital bag?

The bag we are bringing to the hospital is pretty big rolling suitcase. It's not even close to being full, but I don't have anything smaller to bring! I feel like I will be laughed at about bringing such a big bag? LOL Am I being stupid?

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Re: How big is your hospital bag?

  • I'm bringing a carry-on size rolling suitcase. I figure that DH will need to carry LO in the carseat out to the parking lot, and I won't want to deal with a bag that needs to be carried.
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  • I have a small douffle (sp?) bag that I am having my DH bring into L&D with the camera, i-pad, and snacks for him. Then I have a carry on rolling sized suitcase for recovery with everything else.

    But I would have WAAAAYYY more stuff and a bigger bag if I was planning on having a c-section.



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  • Mine is a canvas tote. I'm not bringing much.
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  • Mine is just a small duffle bag.
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  • Well, I guess my big suitcase will have to do! I have TONS of room in it still, so I'm sure by the time I throw in the huge camera and my pillow it'll be okay!

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  • DH and I each had our own duffel bag plus my diaper bag.  Then, DH brought his own blanket and pillow to sleep with in the hospital.  He had to make multiple trips to the car when we were discharged, ha.

    FWIW, even though I was completely fine walking on my own the day we were discharged, the hospital made me sit in a wheelchair and get rolled out with the baby.  I'm not sure if it's the same for other hospitals, but we were told it was for liability reasons that I had to get wheeled out like that.  We actually put DS in his car seat and I carried that on my lap in the wheelchair. 

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  • I just have my book bag. The only thing that doesn't fit in it is my camera.
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  • Twice I have over packed for the hospital. I never use everything that I bring. But if I didn't bring the stuff I brought, I probably would have regretted it, lol. I always bring my hairdryer, and hair stuff, but never use it because it takes me forever to do my hair... my first pregnancy I brought a huge garment bag for myself and DS's diaper bag. This time I brought a carry on rolling suitcase for myself, and another carry on sized bag for DS #2. 
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  • I have a Nike gym bag/duffel.

    It's pretty big but still 1/2 empty. I'm a light packer esp. for the hospital, want space to bring extras home with and it's the easiest for me to carry.

    No one will care, so use what you have.

  • Mine is a Vera Bradley large duffel. If not for my huge voluminous bathrobe it would not even be half full.
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  • imagemelissa.1985:
    Mine is just a small duffle bag.



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  • I have a backpack, it is perfect because it is small but fits everything.

  • Im bringing the carry on bag that came with my suitcase.. its like a really big purse.

    I'm only spending one night tops in the hospital so it's all I need. 

  • I'm bringing a rolling suitcase that is one size up from carry on.  I put my Boppy in there, which basically takes up half of it!  I also want room for all the extras we get sent home with.  Last time we had three disposable hospital bags full of diapers, wipes, and other things the hospital sent home.  This time I'm hoping to get all of that into the bag we come in with.  
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  • We took a carry-on rolling suitcase with my first and are taking the same size with this one. 

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  • I've got a carry-on sized suitcase and LO's diaper bag (don't anticipate using anything in it but the coming home outfit but we can put any hospital freebies in it). We're only planning on staying there for 24 hours and I'm planning on just staying in the hospital gown and H is just bringing an extra shirt and pair of shorts. We also only live 15 minutes away from the hospital though so if we do need extra it's a short trip back for either H or my parents to pick up more things.
  • medium size duffle Big Smile

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  • I haven't packed mine yet Embarrassed But I'm hoping to be able to get away with just using the Coach diaper bag I got for my bday bc it's really big, and stuffing my and LO's coming home outfits in there.  We are hopefully being discharged at 24 hrs so I don't plan on bringing lots of stuff either.
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  • Its just a canvas tote.  I'm not bringing much and am a pretty light packer.  Plus I live about 10 minutes from the hospital and DH will be sleeping at home (so the dogs don't freak out....we have a "dogsitter" lined up, but they will appreciate some extra snuggles before baby comes home) so he can grab whatever I forget/need.
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  • I have a carryon size bag and DH has his stuff in a book bag.
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  • A back pack, but it doesn't fit the boppy or pillow and blanket for DH. And I'm contemplating bringing the diaper bag. Maybe I should rethink this and bring a suitcase?
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  • We have a small duffle for L&D and a rolling carryon for postpartum.  That one contains my stuff, DH stuff and baby stuff.  The small duffle mainly has some foods and some labor aids(tennis ball, squeeze ball, IPOD and camera).
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  • I have a pretty big rolling one too. It has mine and Syn's stuff (plus ipod deck and psp) and lots of room for all the stuff that everyone says we will be getting from the hospital.  While at the hospital the other day I saw a woman getting picked up and their car was filled with a bunch of smaller bags. One huge one works for me!

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  • I'm bringing 2 small carry-ons. One for labor and delivery and one for the stay after.

    If you really feel embarrassed, I'm sure you could find something smaller fairly cheap at Wal-mart or something. It doesn't need to be fancy or high quality, just something for this time.

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