Cooper gets up it seems like without fail between 2:30-3:00 every morning. Only once has he slept from 8ish- 6ish. At this point is he waking out of habit? I know he's hungry cause he normally pounds his bottle and I'm bot gonna not feed him but I'm curious as to if this is a really bad habit he's creating or something he will sooner or later just stop doing on his own. Any thoughts?
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Re: Night feeding at almost 7 mos
He's still sleeping a 7 hour stretch, which is really good.
I moved the girls to an 8 pm bed time right around 6 months- I's so hazy! Anyway, around the 6 month mark the girls were waking anytime between 3 and 5 am to nurse. It only lasted about a month and then they were sleeping 8-8.
6 months is a growth spurt time.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
How much is he eating during the day? Does he take a full feeding 5oz+ in the middle of the night?
My guys are sleeping from 7p to 7a consistently. We work really hard to make sure they get at least 26 oz during the day. Some feedings they take 4oz & some they take 9oz. We log it every day and at the last feeding we know where we really want them to be. DH is home in the morning and I am home in the afternoons, so its our way to communicate it.