over on 2nd tri board it kills me that whenever someone posts how much did you gain most of them lost weight or gained 7lbs or so. Im trying to not get down on myself and remind myself I have twins. I feel like a porker when I read this stuff! Im 21 wks tomorrow and have gained 16lbs! I guess maybe thats alot which stinks but Im curious if anyone else is gaining weight with twins or if theres something abonormal going on with me. Im not really eating a ton and I walk almsot every day. I found out last week from OB that my eating alot of fruit and drinking juice could be the culprit to fast weight gain so Ive since stopped juice and cut back big time on fruit. Most of the weight was gained first tri it has slowed down but I can't help but read all teh posts and think wow Im the only one on here gaining alot of weight.
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Re: weight gain
i guess you have not read Dr. Lukes book? Because it suggests gaining about 20lbs in the first 20 weeks - that way if you go into labor early the babies are as big as possible.
I aimed for 24 in 24 weeks - but only got to 19 and that was trying REALLY hard to gain - by eating lots of protein and dairy (what dr. luke suggests in the book).
assuming you were an average weight when you got pg - then weight gain in a twin pg is a GOOD thing b/c the chances of PTL are higher - so you want your babies as fattened up as you can.
I actually have read her book and so I thought it was a good thing that I was gaining early on esp since Im finding it harder to eat alot lately. I got discouraged bc it seems like every weight gain post has people barely gaining weight. Thanks for reassuring me Im doing ok though. I was pretty avg weight when I got BFP not skinny but avg size 6-8 5'4".
This exactly! I had gained 22-23 by 20 weeks. I had an u/s this week and my babies are measuring 4lb 12oz and 4lb 9oz. According to Baby Center's website, they "should" be 3lb 12oz. So they are growing great!!
at 18wk u/s they were weighing 11oz each then only 2wks later and me watching my weight they only gained 3 and 4oz each. but 2 wks before at 16wk u/s they were 6oz each. I find it funny that when I was gaining more quickly they were too, now they have slowed down a bit. I guess I'll see how it goes at my next appt, I go every 2wks for u/s once a month for my weight check. My ob told me "its a bit much" when I asked her if she thought I gained too much weight and she has twins herself.
wow how far are you that they are 4lbs? thats great! thanks for making me feel better
I just hit 32 weeks yesterday, my u/s was on Tuesday. I was shocked that they are so big already. My doctor was very pleased.
I'm 27+ weeks, up 16 lbs. I gained like crazy my 1st pregnancy with DD and was surprised at how much harder it is to put on weight this time around. Whe NOT pregnant I have NO problem packing on the lbs. I am doing my best to eat healthy and eat mostly fruit and protein (dairy doesn't stay down too well for me). My girls were measuring 2 lbs 2 oz and 2 lbs 6 oz on Thurs, which the doc said was good. She also said my weight gain was good. I'm trying to be well balanced in my health, I am concerned about health concerns for babies related to not gaining enough and also about concerns for my health with gaining too much, so my focus is making healthy choices. I think all the weight I've put on has gone to my belly and the babies this time around. Whereas with my 1st pg I gained more, but just ended up bigger all over.
I'm no doc. but I'm sort of surprised that your doc said to cut back on fruit. I guess I can see limiting fruit juice and switching it out for water more, but fruit surprises me.
something to also consider -- the further along you get the harder it will be to eat large portions. you may see your weight gain move to a slow steady pace at that point.
the "right" number for weight gain is different for each person. try not to compare yourself with other people and focus on what is healthy for you and follow dr's advie. and good work on keeping up your walking. i still do this (when it's not too hot) and it makes me feel great.