July 2011 Moms

Vitamin K/ eye drops/ Hep B- did you delay?

If you considered (or did) delay either Vitamin K, eye drops or Hep B, what was your OB/hospital's reaction and when (if at all) were they given?

Edited original post- I'm actually talking about 3 things- Vitamin K, eye drops and Hep B. . . I'm blaming lack of sleep for my inability to post coherently.

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Re: Vitamin K/ eye drops/ Hep B- did you delay?

  • I'm interested to know why you would want to delay vitamin k? 

    My hospital gives you the option on the hep-B shot.  You can either get it there or wait until LO has their first pedi appt at 2 - 5 days later.  I may wait, we haven't decided, I'm trying to do more research on that one. 

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  • Ally_SAlly_S member
    We delayed the Hep B until my daughter was much older - 6 months maybe?  My OB probably had no idea, and the hospital's staff physician didn't give us a hard time.  Our pedi thought I was a little nuts, so I switched pedis.  I delayed because my newborn was not going to contract Hep B from a dirty needle, sex, or from me...we decided it could wait.  I'm still not sure what we'll do this time.
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  • Our hospital gives us the option of Hep B which we will decline.  Our ped will do it much later.  We will go ahead and do the Vitamin K, but we will not be doing the eye antibiotic.
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  • I did and am delaying...and this time I have a VERY cooperative labor and delivery team/hospital.  I'm delaying by an hour or so, but I have elected to get all done.
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  • I considered it but decided we won't delay them. She'll get them done in the hospital. I do plan on having an hour of skin time before she gets everything done though (if all goes well).
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  • imageTristaD81:

    I'm interested to know why you would want to delay vitamin k? 

    My hospital gives you the option on the hep-B shot.  You can either get it there or wait until LO has their first pedi appt at 2 - 5 days later.  I may wait, we haven't decided, I'm trying to do more research on that one. 

    Well, I personally am only delaying 1 hour or so for bonding with the baby.  I want all procedures done after that delay. 

    Some people, however, decline some of these or delay by weeks or days because they have done their research and determined that is unnecessary or best to do it later.  You can find studies that support BOTH sides to be honest, so to each their own!

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  • I'm a FTM but wanted to share anyway. We are delaying the Hep B, my OB is fine with that (I'm bringing a letter stating our wishes just in case we get any flack from the hospital). In WA state it is the law to get the Vit K and eye drops. I am going to ask if the Vit K can be given orally rather than an injection. I've read the dose is quite high in the shot vs. orally and the baby receives Vit K naturally from breastfeeding. If it weren't the law I would decline it. The eye drops I thought were just if you had an STD, but OB said it can help avoid infection from lots of bacteria, so I think it worth it. Good luck with whatever you choose and I hope your hospital cooperates with your choices.
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  • We did the Vitamin K and eye-drops but waited with the Hep B with DD1 and will do the same with DD2.
  • No Hep B for us, possibly not ever. We both have MS on both sides of our family, and there are too many links to MS with the Hep B shot. Its the only vaccine I'm not doing. The others (eye drops and Vit K shot) are a-OK with me.
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  • Our hospital automatically delays these roughly one hour for skin to skin bonding time, but that's all the longer we will be delaying.  I believe very strongly in preventative medicine and vaccination and these are given for very compelling reasons so we will get them done.  
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  • imageFutureMrsHall06:

    I'm interested to know why you would want to delay vitamin k? 

    My hospital gives you the option on the hep-B shot.  You can either get it there or wait until LO has their first pedi appt at 2 - 5 days later.  I may wait, we haven't decided, I'm trying to do more research on that one. 

    Well, I personally am only delaying 1 hour or so for bonding with the baby.  I want all procedures done after that delay. 

    Some people, however, decline some of these or delay by weeks or days because they have done their research and determined that is unnecessary or best to do it later.  You can find studies that support BOTH sides to be honest, so to each their own!

    I wasn't trying to be snarky, I really wanted to know.  I've read and heard about delayed vaccination, but not about delaying vitamin k. 

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  • We opted out of all of them. Midwife was very understanding of our choices and suggested that we keep an open mind on Vit K. In case LO has bruises or is delivered by forceps or vacuum then Vit K is highly suggested. 
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  • I am following the schedule our Pediatrician/hospital uses as a standard.  So if that means all those, we are doing them.
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