If you considered (or did) delay either Vitamin K, eye drops or Hep B, what was your OB/hospital's reaction and when (if at all) were they given?
Edited original post- I'm actually talking about 3 things- Vitamin K, eye drops and Hep B. . . I'm blaming lack of sleep for my inability to post coherently.
Re: Vitamin K/ eye drops/ Hep B- did you delay?
I'm interested to know why you would want to delay vitamin k?
My hospital gives you the option on the hep-B shot. You can either get it there or wait until LO has their first pedi appt at 2 - 5 days later. I may wait, we haven't decided, I'm trying to do more research on that one.
Well, I personally am only delaying 1 hour or so for bonding with the baby. I want all procedures done after that delay.
Some people, however, decline some of these or delay by weeks or days because they have done their research and determined that is unnecessary or best to do it later. You can find studies that support BOTH sides to be honest, so to each their own!
I wasn't trying to be snarky, I really wanted to know. I've read and heard about delayed vaccination, but not about delaying vitamin k.
"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing." Psalm 23:1