I was running errands last night and picked up gifts for hostesses, thank you cards for the shower, a couple of gift bags and decorative items for the nursery. I didn't have time to make a dinner so decided to swing by the store for something fast.
I went to Harris Teeter and picked up a cheese pizza from the deli and realized I really needed a new package of Tums. It was a tad ironic and I am certain the checkout gal found it funny, but truth be told I needed the Tums pizza or not!
Anyone else have funny experiences at the checkout they want to share?
Re: Pregnant lady purchases...just for fun!
haha yep!
i was helping out with a little party for my friend's kids and went into the store and bought tons of junk food. the cashier at the register just grinned at me and said she "was there once!" at first i was going to correct her and tell her this wasn't for me, but i figure what the hey, who cares at this point!
I went into the gas station across the street from my office for the first time in awhile to get a breakfast taquito (healthy, I know). The manager recognized me and asked about my pregnancy because he hadn't seen me in awhile. He asked if we knew the sex, when I was due, etc. Then he said "How many do you have in there?"....
I must have looked horrified and said "Well, just the one!" and he laughed and said he was referring to my taquito. I felt like a giant ass. But it's funny in hindsight.
That is hilarious
DH and I went to the store after dinner the other evening and he went next door to get the dog food from the specialty animal store (our dog has tons of allergies) and I went in to the grocery store.
I was going in for some Slow Churned ice cream and Dh asked me to pick him up a six pack of his favorite beer. No problem but when I got to the register I realized how ridiculous I looked buying ice cream and beer with a huge pregnant belly
That's awesome
That's awesome, they thought ... beer floats perhaps??