how crazy to think after all this time JULY is finally here - just texted my whole family telling them that they becoming grannies and grandpas this month yes this is the first grandchild.
....and i'm scared...nervous...and anxious! (put those all together and I wanna throw up) haha. To think that we're going to be responsible for a little life that we created! This is the first grandbaby in our family too... I'm so ready to not be pregnant, but I'm so scared of bringing LO home even though I know we will be fine.
Re: We become mothers THIS month
When I turned the calendar to July it really hit me, it's here. I've been waiting for July forever. It's a bit nervewrecking but exciting!
I thought that too but just because I have a late July due date. I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up with an August baby!