So I took DH's brand new truck this evening while he was out and... hit another truck with it!!
So here I sit at home, stewing about it until he gets home... I'm so nervous about it that i'm feeling ready to throw up. And just after we paid another lady's insurance after I hit her car with mine. Maybe it's time to park the car and walk for a while. lol
Re: Oh great...
Not bad accidents at all, just sound bad. We live up in Canada and in January on the ice I slid into another car, and tonight was because of relying on the back up camera, and it not working! Just some scratches and a small dent on the bumper.
And yes... a bus pass would probably be smart. Luckily DH was ok with it, probably more sympathetic cause I was sobbing, but then he saw it and I guess it was worse than he pictured.
You depended solely on back up cameras? I still think you may need to look into driving classes.
That's my thought.