My mom has now called me 4 times today. She has called me 1-2 times a day since Sunday just to ask whether I'm in labor or not.
Yesterday she called me because she was having cramps. She said, "Are you cramping? Because I am, and I was wondering whether God was making me cramp to tell me that you are in labor."
It's seriously getting on my nerves and I am no longer answer her phone calls. If she needs something, she can leave a message.
Is anyone else getting bombarded with the "Are you in labor yet/Have you had the baby yet?" phone calls/texts already?
Re: Stop calling me, Mom. I'm NOT in labor!
People keep telling me I'm not going to make it to my c/s date. Based on the fact that my belly has dropped. I'm hardly having contractions and as of yesterday the cervix is still closed. The c/s date is a week before my due date anyway. I now things can progress quickly but seriously.
I wouldn't answer the phone either. It was my mom though she would assume I was in labor and unable to make it to the phone.
LMAO. This sounds JUST LIKE my mom! I told her "if I go into labor, I will call you!"...they should just let us rest and stop bugging us!
Okay, this made me laugh out loud. At least she's excited?
Hang in there.
hahahaha exactly what I was thinking
I hope baby comes sometime soon for your sanity sake!
I'm glad I'm not the only one getting these calls. If I were past my due date, it would make a bit more sense to me; however, I'm not even there yet and these calls have been going on for a week now.
I'm glad my mom makes you laugh, Annie. Someone should find some humor in it.
Excitement is great, but I can only handle so much of it in my fragile state.
My mom is driving me nuts with the "how are you feeling?" calls/texts/e-mails. She tried calling me today to tell me that she and my dad were going to come down for the holiday weekend (they live 4 hours away) because they were bored sitting at home waiting for the "It's time!" call. UMMMMM, NO!!!! I don't think so. It is miserable enough being 40 weeks pregnant and impatient without houseguests sitting around our very small home being bored and impatient here. Stay home!!!! I promise I will call if anything happens.
Oh goodness, I feel you. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard, "Have that baby soon! I'm bored!!" Yeah, let me get right on that -- my sole job this summer is entertaining you.
Sounds like when I was pregnant with DS #1, I had gotten my MIL a job with me and every morning in Nov. ( I was due first of Dec.)when she got in she would walk up to my desk and say "No baby yet" ? No sh*t shirlock I think you would have gotten a call !! She was/is sooooo annoying. lol
This time around she just suggests idiotic names because we have not decided yet, so yes I know how crazy moms/in laws can be.
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House / Baby blog
I'm not getting the "Are you in labor?" calls but the "How are you feeling? Any different than yesterday?" calls. This is all stemming from my induction that was started Monday for low fluids and then being sent home after they checked fluid again and because my body wasn't reacting to the induction meds.
I think the thing that annoys me most is when others tell me when I CANT have the baby because they will be out of town, that day is THEIR birthday, etc. Sorry, I cant control when shes coming!!!!
Definitely getting annoying! I feel for ya!
OMG, yes!! This is driving me crazy. I had a doctor's appointment today and got texts from 5 different people before I even got home, asking me if I was in labor yet. I know they're trying to be supportive, but it's frustrating (especially when I have NO progress to report).
Plus I hate calling my mom now because she always assumes it's because I'm in labor. Yesterday I called her when she was in a store, and when she answered she said, "OMG I just scared everyone in here, because when my phone rang and I saw it was you I yelled, 'IT'S MY DAUGHTER!'" Sigh.
No, thankfully. But I still have four weeks until my due date.
I feel for you though. I can imagine how annoying that would be especially since I'm not a big phone call person. We finally got my mom to text but it's been a blessing and a curse!