A handy husband. I really want to add an additional room onto our house. Long story short, the structure is there but it would have to be dry walled and our central air ducts (or something like that) run through there. They would need to be moved. I really wish MH knew how to do stuff like this because I have a feeling it would cost a fortune to do. Bummer.
I'll help! I know how to do drywall, hard wood floors, and I've moved air ducts before. Who needs a DH when you have us??!
(I will require some sort of liquor though)
Clomid- No response
Metformin 1500 mg Femara 5mg + Trigger + TI Round 2 = BFP!
Beta 13DPO: 115, Beta 16dpo: 561 BFP Chart
We moved them from one part of the ceiling to another, to re-route the heat.