I think it depends a lot on the stretch marks (and the person). I didn't have ANY stretch marks until right after DS was born (go figure), but I think they started to fade almost immediately and were either almost invisible or totally invisible within a couple of months. I think people who get dark stretch marks, or who have them for several weeks/months during pregnancy probably experience a much slower fade.
I think it depends a lot on the stretch marks (and the person). I didn't have ANY stretch marks until right after DS was born (go figure), but I think they started to fade almost immediately and were either almost invisible or totally invisible within a couple of months. I think people who get dark stretch marks, or who have them for several weeks/months during pregnancy probably experience a much slower fade.
Bummer. Mine showed up at 35 weeks and have been getting darker since. At least there are only a few (so far)...
DD Born July 2011
TTC#2 for 4 years: multiple rounds of IVF, M/Cs, lots of tears. Cautiously optimistic about #2 EDD 12/29/18
With my son I got them around 34 weeks and they were BAD!! All over the place red, angry deep stretch marks. I am olive skinned and it took a good year before they turned the same color as my other skin. They are still very visible because they are so deep, but now they are the same color as my skin instead of red. I think it also depends on your skin tone because I have some light skinned friends that had more purple stretchmarks and they seemed to stay purple longer than my did red.
Probably depends on the person. I had some really awful reddish/purple ones all over from DS, and it took about a year for them to fade to white. But they were still SO noticeable.
I got stretch marks at the end of my pregnancy with DS, I think they had faded, but I have no idea how long it took. I have some dark noticeable ones on my belly now, likely new ones.
It may depend on your skin tone too, I have olive color skin (part Mexican).
With my first pregnancy I didn't have any stretch marks until I started losing all the weight. I used maderma and palmers stretch mark lotion and it worked really well (i have fair skin and you can see every imperfection). I've got them pretty bad this time around but I'm putting lotion on several times a day so hopefuly my skin will bounce back again.
The main thing is not to get too hung up on them. stretch marks are part of motherhood! They will certainly improve even if they don't go away. Several of my friends have gotten tummy tucks to get rid of their stretch marks and I don't think they look that much better than my friends that just take good care of their skin.
Re: BTDT moms: How long does it take for stretch marks to fade?
Bummer. Mine showed up at 35 weeks and have been getting darker since. At least there are only a few (so far)...
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
I got stretch marks at the end of my pregnancy with DS, I think they had faded, but I have no idea how long it took. I have some dark noticeable ones on my belly now, likely new ones.
It may depend on your skin tone too, I have olive color skin (part Mexican).
With my first pregnancy I didn't have any stretch marks until I started losing all the weight. I used maderma and palmers stretch mark lotion and it worked really well (i have fair skin and you can see every imperfection). I've got them pretty bad this time around but I'm putting lotion on several times a day so hopefuly my skin will bounce back again.
The main thing is not to get too hung up on them. stretch marks are part of motherhood! They will certainly improve even if they don't go away. Several of my friends have gotten tummy tucks to get rid of their stretch marks and I don't think they look that much better than my friends that just take good care of their skin.