July 2011 Moms

Need advice about petty doctor issue

I've been seeing a high-risk dr. for my entire pregnancy.  He doesn't deliver, only does pre and post natal appointments.  He referred me to the two "delivery" doctors in their practice recently so that I could meet them before I go into labor.   I met with the male doctor a few weeks ago and met with the female doctor yesterday.   The female doctor seemed really nice and suggested that I meet with her weekly (after my regular high-risk dr. visit) so that we can get to know each other...(the other male doctor didn't suggest this at all). They alternate on-call days, so either could possibly be at the delivery.


-She wants to do internals weekly (blech, I really don't see the need for this, and really don't want to do this each week!).  My high-risk dr. doesn't see the need for internals and doesn't do them, which is fine by me!

-There's usually a long wait to get into my appt. with either of the delivery doctors (it was 30 minutes yesterday).  This means that I'll be at the office for 1.5-2 hours for each appointment, and I don't want to take that much time off of work each week (I'm trying to save up for my maternity leave).

Ugh...any advice?  


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Re: Need advice about petty doctor issue

  • I feel like there isn't much of a choice for you unless you plan on switching doctors completely (which this late in the game I wouldn't do unless you absolutely hated them, which you don't luckily).

    If you think about it, you will only have to take off two hours once a week for only 3 more weeks (4 at the most?). I know it stinks, but you are getting so close and I don't know if there is much of another option that you can do. Or, you can just choose not to meet with her every week like she wants.

    If it makes you feel better, I have no idea who is delivering my baby! I know it will be one of the doctors from my OB place (whoever is on call) and there are like 5 or 6 of them. That being said, I think I have only met 3 of them. I know it should be important, but I really don't care as much which doctor delivers my baby as long as they can get baby out safely and both baby and I are fine. 

    I really didn't help much, but you are so close to having your LO if you can just manage the next few weeks, good luck!


  • Thanks!  I know it's such a silly thing to be annoyed about!  I honestly don't really care who delivers my baby, I know they're both qualified.  Maybe I'll see if I can just see her one more time closer to my due date rather than every week. 
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  • To be honest, I feel like most doctors are this way.  I have an internal every week for now on, and I always have to wait forever.  It stinks, but I now just bring a book or magazine with me. 
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  • Since you have a 50/50 chance of either doctor, I'd just decline the weekly visits. I don't think it's worth your time at this point. She met you once, she reviewed your chart and knows what's going on. What more is there for her to do at this point that your high-risk OB isn't covering? Nothing.
  • You're entitled to have a fit about the internals. They increase your risk of infection. If your high risk doc says they are unnecessary, then you have grounds to refuse. Smile and skip the extra visits if you are uncomfortable.

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