July 2011 Moms

Another MIL vent

Sorry for being a PW, but I have to vent. Feel free to ignore me.

I want to punch my MIL in the face. She can never mind her own business, and always stirs up trouble with my niece and nephew by promising them things from me and DH without ever mentioning it to us first. (like saying DH was going to buy my 6 y/o nephew a really expensive sculpture b/c he liked ours, telling them we were having a 2nd christmas b/c DH and I were coming down a week after xmas- they expected santa to come again and were little beasts all weekend b/c he didn't bring more presents, etc.) Now she is raising expectations about what they are going to be doing with my baby, and making promises again.  DH is going to have to call her tonight and explain that the hospital doesn't even allow children their age in the women's center unless they are the children of the patients. She will probably want us to lie about it though and say they are DHs kids or something..... And I am not letting a 5 year old brat play "baby doll" with my child, sorry. 

She also just apologized (on instant messenger) for not being able to go to my appt today with me..... you weren't invited?? Why would I want her there in the room while I'm getting an internal? She has zero respect for privacy, and keeps telling me that I won't care who sees my vag or boobs after I have the baby. If I don't want her in there while I'm trying to get the hang of BFing, it won't be just for my modesty!  I don't think she even knows what modesty is though, she walks around MY house half naked all the time.

I am so full of rage today. 

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Re: Another MIL vent

  • she sounds awful. sorry. :( 
  • Ugh I am sorry to hear that your MIL is overbearing. I have the same issue...what the hell is it with MILs? I don't get it...sometimes I just wish they would stay away. Sheesh! All I can say is you are the mother of your baby and ultimately you have the final say. Good luck!!
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  • Indifferent She sounds like a real peach. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
    J+C est. 6.22.08
    Adele Lorraine b. 7.13.11

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  • Tongue Tied Sorry to hear that she is like that. Shesh family members suck sometimes!!

     My MIL told me that I need to pack or take my laptop to the hospital with me when I have the baby, so that we could skype her right after LO arrives--no joke. (Like the first thing on my mind is going to be wanting to skype the in-laws.)



  • It sounds like MIL needs a come to Jesus moment with you and your husband. I would have a conversation in person and be very straight forward about how you feel.
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  • imagebeekernbaby:
    It sounds like MIL needs a come to Jesus moment with you and your husband. I would have a conversation in person and be very straight forward about how you feel.

    I have been straightforward with this woman for about 8 out of the 10 years I have known her- it does no good :(  She gets all offended and holds a grudge for months, and then goes right back to being in your face all the time. 

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  • I'm so sorry, she sounds like mine. And it is BS that you won't care who sees what after you've given birth. DH saw the whole show with DS and guess what, I still won't pee in front of him. I'm just a modest person and it still mortifies me he saw what he did ha ha. I also would only BF up in DS' room, not on front of company. I don't get why people can't be considerate of what YOU are comfortable doing. Good luck, sounds like you need as much as you can get!
  • WTF is wrong with some people!
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