Babies on the Brain

Mom kicked off bus for breastfeeding her child


Her video blog:

A few things-
1) The driver is an idiot, and so is dispatch.
2) I'm amazed that she is able to walk, nurse in football hold, load a double stroller, and keep a toddler under control at once.
3)Get a load of that name. 

Married 11/24/07
Camille Rae 8/21/10
Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14

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Re: Mom kicked off bus for breastfeeding her child

  • I was just reading another article about this in our local paper. The bus driver has been suspended, however with pay. I love that the community and officials have come forward and acknowledged that she was not doing anything wrong and the bus driver was in the wrong.

     Eta: Whoops, that is what I get for commenting before reading. this is so weird. Another paper is reporting that the driver was reprimanded and never mentions the police, and it says that she didn't have to get off the bus. And it says that the bus company DOES have a policy saying nursing is permitted and that their drivers have been reminded as such. HERE is the other article.

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  • That's horrible. What is wrong with people? You are feeding your child. It's not like she was sitting there topless...with no baby.
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  • The recount of it by her is absolutely jaw dropping.  The bus driver actually said to her, "Is that baby?  And I know that ain't a titty!"


    Married 11/24/07
    Camille Rae 8/21/10
    Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14

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  • imageandrew's wifey:

    3)Get a load of that name. 

    Speshul! Or hippie, maybe?

    Oh, thanks to that article, I now have a UO!

    Batman likes to watch cartoons on the weekends. Whatever.

    "I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
    "Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
  • imageandrew's wifey:

    The recount of it by her is absolutely jaw dropping.  The bus driver actually said to her, "Is that baby?  And I know that ain't a titty!"



    I would've ended up in jail for assault.

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  • imagePubStar09:
    imageandrew's wifey:

    3)Get a load of that name. 

    Speshul! Or hippie, maybe?

    Oh, thanks to that article, I now have a UO!

    I think she's a hippie.  Her facebook profile url has Earth Child Moon Daughter at the end.  

    I think she's awesome, though, she just likes the overuse of the letter 'y'. 

    Married 11/24/07
    Camille Rae 8/21/10
    Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Wow to all of it. the name, the story, the driver just wow.
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  • imageandrew's wifey:
    imageandrew's wifey:

    3)Get a load of that name. 

    Speshul! Or hippie, maybe?

    Oh, thanks to that article, I now have a UO!

    I think she's a hippie.  Her facebook profile url has Earth Child Moon Daughter at the end.  

    I think she's awesome, though, she just likes the overuse of the letter 'y'. 

    It actually is a really cool name.

    Batman likes to watch cartoons on the weekends. Whatever.

    "I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
    "Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
  • ::slips birkenstocks behind sofa and hides patchouli inscense::

    What's wrong with being a hippie?

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  • imagecaffinated_tulip:

    ::slips birkenstocks behind sofa and hides patchouli inscense::

    What's wrong with being a hippie?

    I got nothing but love for the hippies!  It's the hyppeyes I'm concerned about.

    ::lights nag chompa and smiles:: 

    Married 11/24/07
    Camille Rae 8/21/10
    Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14

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  • imagecaffinated_tulip:

    ::slips birkenstocks behind sofa and hides patchouli inscense::

    What's wrong with being a hippie?

    Nothing at all! Some of the hippie names get me is all. Soleil Moon Frye, Ahmet, Dweezil, and Moon-Unit Zappa... for examples.

    Batman likes to watch cartoons on the weekends. Whatever.

    "I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
    "Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
  • I have decided that if anyone ever asks me to stop breastfeeding, or to leave a place I am breastfeeding, that I will flat out refuse.  They can call the cops, or harrass me all they want.  I am not stopping nor leaving.
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  • imagePubStar09:

    ::slips birkenstocks behind sofa and hides patchouli inscense::

    What's wrong with being a hippie?

    Nothing at all! Some of the hippie names get me is all. Soleil Moon Frye, Ahmet, Dweezil, and Moon-Unit Zappa... for examples.

    Raptor Starship? Angel

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagebancbev:
    I have decided that if anyone ever asks me to stop breastfeeding, or to leave a place I am breastfeeding, that I will flat out refuse.  They can call the cops, or harrass me all they want.  I am not stopping nor leaving.

    Amen, sista.

    It's really sad that in 2011, some people think BFing is inappropriate to do in public.

  • imagebancbev:
    I have decided that if anyone ever asks me to stop breastfeeding, or to leave a place I am breastfeeding, that I will flat out refuse.  They can call the cops, or harrass me all they want.  I am not stopping nor leaving.

    Same here Bev.  I'm actually almost itching for someone to ask me to stop nursing!  Especially since I use a nursing cover everywhere I go!!!  Even though Ave doesn't love it.  Although now when she sees the cover she gets excited becuase she knows it's time for nursies!

  • I'm stuck on nursing a 2wo in football hold and walking at the same time. I can't imagine making that work LOL
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  • imageRachelG83:
    I'm stuck on nursing a 2wo in football hold and walking at the same time. I can't imagine making that work LOL

    With enough practice, you can do it!  lol  I can nurse an 8 month old in a football hold while walking/chasing after a toddler!  I've done it out of necessity!

  • imageRachelG83:
    I'm stuck on nursing a 2wo in football hold and walking at the same time. I can't imagine making that work LOL

    Me too!  Although, in the video, she said something about having him in the Moby wrap, but the logistics of that is mind blowing to me too.  In the beginning, when I had to use the football hold, I couldn't do it without the boppy, or at least a half a dozen pillows! 

    Married 11/24/07
    Camille Rae 8/21/10
    Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14

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