(sorry I put a pic but can't resize it!)
Here's Leah Noelle's Birth Story!
8:21 p.m. Sunday Night https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/55073347.aspx
8:55 p.m. Sunday Night felt a trickle, I knew it had to be something but still wasn't 100% sure because it wasn't enough for me to feel like my water had broken. I was having random contractions that felt like they could be doing something, but this wasn't any different than what I've had all week (or any different than what I'd felt since I'd been taken off Procardia at 36 wks for that matter.)
9:00 called my friend to come over and stay with my son. When she got there about 20-25 minutes later we left.
9:30 In the car, I remember telling my H that these contractions were "duds" since they weren't painful enough. I set myself up for a disappointing slow labor.
9:40 L & D triage. They did swabs which came back inconclusive. Fern test took a while and finally it was confirmed that it was amniotic fluid....but there was just so little of it. I wasn't considered to be "in labor" until my contractions became timeable somewhere around 10-10:30ish.
10:29p.m. I was 4 c.m.
Each contraction came on pretty fast from here on. Each one became more painful. We went back and forth about whether to get an epidural. I didn't have time with my son (3.5 hours) But if it was going to be long I knew I could not handle that pain...and I would have the opportunity this time to get one b/c the anethesiologist was already down the hall for someone else. I got into a room and they started setting up.
From 11-12 I get my first bag of antibiotic for GBS positive. (The 2nd dose had to wait 4 hours and takes 30 minutes after that.)
12:00 I was at 6 c.m. with a bulging bag of waters (he said I had a slow leak earlier.)
My doctor gave me the final deadline to choose whether I wanted an epi or not. If he broke my water, they knew it wouldn't take long but he was reluctant since I had only had the first dose of antibiotics.
So I look at him and say..."We all know I'm not going to last until 3 a.m. to get that 2nd dose, right?" He agreed and decides to break my water and goes to lay down, and I know it will go fast so I skip the epidural. Nurse tells me that when I get to the point that I can't take it anymore, there's probably only going to be 10 more contractions until the baby is here. Well right away I was at that point so I figure there's only 10 left.
12:00-12:15 OMG
I do remember praying out loud to God to help me through this....
Each contraction becomes SIGNIFICANTLY harder to handle. Breathing made the difference between me getting through it....or screaming/pleading through it.
12:15 a.m. (Monday) I'm at 8 cm and 100% effaced
I did not make it to those 10 contractions she warned me about....in the middle of the 3rd or 4th after my water was broken I just told them I had to push...I wasn't in position and the legs weren't up on my bed yet but I couldn't NOT push. My H had left the room just before that to fill up my water and when he heard me he came right back in.
The nurses set up the bed and called down the hall to get the dr., he is such a cool calm and collected guy but he was sprinting in.
2 more contractions: 1 push for her head, 1 push for the rest of the baby.
12:39 a.m. baby was here.
I asked if it was a boy and they said "It's a Girl!" I can only describe my reaction as pure elation! I was shocked (Team Green) We were so happy!
1:00 She started nursing.
1:03 I was eating a chocolate ice cream lol (they asked if I wanted a snack and said they have ice cream!)
It was amazing and I'm so glad that it happened the way that it did. My recovery has been SO much better than it was with my son.
Leah Noelle 8 lbs 1 oz, 20.5 inches long
The nurses said my labor was considered to begin when my contractions were a consistent pattern, which was around 10ish. So all in all it was at most a 2 hour, 39 minute labor!
Re: Long story but superfast labor!