I am having difficulty trying to keep my cat out of the crib. I have tried the squirt of water, but she finds that to be a game. I have also tried putting aluminum foil on the crib. This worked for awhile and thought all was in the clear when I came home last night to see kitty laying in the crib atop of the foil.
I know this may mean that I have to keep the door closed but she is so use to having free reign of the apartment then when a door is closed she will meow excessively until its opened.
Anyone have any suggestions of what else I could try?
Re: cats and cribs
You can try a motion detected type of deal like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Innotek-SSSCAT-Cat-Training-Aid/dp/B000RIA95G
Apparently it will shoot a burst of air and frighten the kitty away when it tries to pass by...
I've been fairly successful with my boys. I just immediately stomp in there and pick them up out of the crib and then toss them toward the door. And they've been getting the hint.
I have heard from other people they used something like this
I've used that with my cats before, for keeping them off the mantle, and it was very effective. It was also very effective at scaring my husband half to death, though. But it didn't bother me.
I agree. I started this a month ago with my cats (I have three). They thought EVERYTHING was a new cat bed, the changing pad, the bouncer, the PnP, etc etc. It was extremely annoying at first (the first 2 weeks or so) with all the meowing to be let in, but they have since gotten used to it and rarely cry at the door these days (now 4 weeks later).
Do I have any suggestions? LOL If only!
I have three cats, plus my mom's four cats (I am currently staying at her house due to complications during moving) and the baby's crib will be in our room, by our bed (the side-car thing that is not quite co-sleeping but close). Our cats have always slept with us and our bedroom in my mom's house is their "safe" territory. Anywhere else in this house is contended turf, so that means that shutting them out of our bedroom permanently will cause all kinds of territorial dispute between my kitties and my mom's kitties.
Plus, Feliway isn't an option because my lil' sis is horribly (horribly!) allergic to it (and she comes once a week to see my folks). Ugh.
Anyway, we've put the crib toghether and covered it with a sheet as not to gather dust and the mobile is already on top of it (so the cats get used to it's sounds and looks and stuff) and everytime a cat so much as seems to be getting the idea of going into the crib we whistle loudly (footbal stadium whistle, with two fingers in the mouth), which gets them off of it. That seems to have been working well but there have been times when we went for dinner or something and when we got back there was a kitty snuggling happlily inside the crib. You know how it is, when you do whatever it is that you do to make them not do something, they only figure "oh, she doesn't like to see me doing this" and not so much that they are not really supposed to do it at all... LOL
Oh, it's tough. But I think we'll be ok, somehow. First, when the baby gets here, she will be a noisy weird thing for them and cats don't really get close to noisy weird things. Plus, she will have all my antibodies so their mere presence is not really all that terrible. Also, she will be right beside me, so I will be able to monitor her all night. I don't really thing any of my cats would sit on top of her even if they got into the crib, and they are all docile, but I am not taking any chances, at least not in the first few months.
Good luck!
My kitty is way too nosy, so we have to keep the doors to all bedrooms closed. He used to get so pissed and wail loudly any time we're in one of the rooms and he's not. However, he got used to it after a while and now he just camps out by the door and waits for us to come out.
We came up with an easy solution. I don't like shutting our bedroom doors all the time. So, we installed a screen door. We took off the usual door and installed it ourselves, but you have to measure the size of your door opening, because it's a little tricky to find screen doors that fit inside openings. We found a really cheap unpainted screen door for $19 at home depot and then painted it. We have the lock on the outside, so the cats can still see into the room, just can't go in, and it's better for airflow in the house. You can also replace the screen portion of the door to be stronger for pets (it's sold separately).
Not to be a debbie downer, butI was looking for the tents on google (because amazon won't ship that kind of stuff to Brazil) because they seemed like such a brilliant idea and I found some stuff that made me worry:
Seems like the kids end up hurting (or killing) themselves during scape attempts.