Random crazy person encounter of the day: This girl I went to HS with invited my husband and me to her wedding. We have seen her 2-3 times since we graduated (12 years ago) and only at the grocery store or gas station. We were definitely not close. (In fact, she repeatedly tried to get with my husband while we were together in HS). I was going to respond no to her invitation, but there was no decline option on the card and the card was made out of ribbon so writing it in was difficult. Plus she didn't put return stamps on the envelopes and I didn't want to waste my stamps. (Petty, I know.) So I run into her today at the grocery store, and the second she sees me she says, "Are you coming or not?" I tell her no. She then asks why, I say because it's a week from my due date (which is true, but there are also a million other excuses I could have used) and she looks at me and says "Yeah, sure. Whatever" and storms off.
No real point to this post, I just found it ridiculous that we were even invited. From what I hear she has invited 350-400 people. And there was a note on the invitation that implied that cash was the best gift to bring...
Re: Crazy Person of the Day Encounter (NBR)
She sounds real mature. I wouldn't even give it a second thought. If you aren't even friends with her, who cares!
Ps. I wouldn't even send them a wedding gift or cash
. Then again, I have been really b!tchy lately.
I wouldn't either.
Oh I don't care, I just found the whole thing to be ridiculous. My husband has a co-worker who was invited to the wedding also. He met her once because he is a volunteer firefighter and she is an EMT. Apparently if you've ever met her and your address is available in the phone book or on the internet, you were invited to the wedding.
And yeah, definitely not getting a gift from us either!
I don't think that's b!tchy, I wouldn't send her a present even if she were nice about it. You don't really know her, and aren't going to the wedding, so why would you send a present? That just encourages the ones who think it's appropriate to fish for gifts.