July 2011 Moms

Tomorrow is the day

Tomorrow is the day we've been looking forward to since 10/28/10!  I am super super nervous to be having a c-section and I need some encouragement PLEASE! I keep telling myself that I will finally be able to hold my baby. That should be enough but it's all so surreal still!  Wish me Luck!
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Re: Tomorrow is the day

  • gmc222gmc222 member

    I just posted my c/s birth story, but I'll reiterate.....its not that bad! The anticipation is the worst part, but if you take one step at a time it won't be overwhelming. Once you get to the OR things happen so fast, and you will be so focused on seeing your baby. I'm only on day 2, but I feel better than I thought I would, although I'm still taking it very slow and easy.

    Best of luck, but you'll do great!


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    After 3 failed Clomid+TI cycles, DD was conceived with IUI#1

    TTC #2

    Clomid 50 mg + IUI#1  = BFP, m/c and D&C at 7w1d

    Clomid 50mg + IUI#2 = BFN

    Clomid 100mg + IUI#3 = BFN

    Lupron + Follistim + IVF#1 = 11ER, 10M, 10F, ET of 1 expanded BBA 5-day blast, 2 Frosties. BFP! Beta 10/13 = 264! Beta 10/15 = 702! EDD 6/21/14

  • Best of luckto you...it will all be fine! Once you get that precious lil baby in yours hands all the other stuff will be a distance memory. Early congrats!
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  • Good luck!  I can't say for sure, but after my experience today with trying to be induced...that will be continued tomorrow, I think a c-section is the way to go, I would have taken that option if I had it offered.  I think everything will be just fine, momma, best of luck to you, LO, and DH.  T's and P's for you and your family. 
  • Thank you girls! I know the anticipation is the worst part  =)
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  • imagegmc222:

    I just posted my c/s birth story, but I'll reiterate.....its not that bad! The anticipation is the worst part, but if you take one step at a time it won't be overwhelming. Once you get to the OR things happen so fast, and you will be so focused on seeing your baby. I'm only on day 2, but I feel better than I thought I would, although I'm still taking it very slow and easy.

    Best of luck, but you'll do great!

    I'm going to look for it now..thanks

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  • Ahhh I am soooo excited for you!! I am hoping all goes smoothly for you tomorrow!! Good luck and early congratulations Smile


  • I had my baby via scheduled c-section last Wednesday, June 22nd, and I would love to give you some encouragement and share my thoughts on various aspects of the whole experience.

    First of all, because you are scheduled, and you know it is coming, you have some control over the situation and can mentally prepare for it.  This was very helpful to me and I was able to come to a peace about the situation.

    Prepping for the surgery--things about this were very interesting--and maybe because it was not an emergency situation--seemed very relaxed and the nurses/doctors/staff seemed so precise and professional.  Everything from them shaving/prepping me to seeing the surgical instuments being identified and counted, to everyone introducing themselves, announcing the time sugery started/ended, etc. 

    Anesthesia--I had a spinal.  It didn't hurt; there was just a slight sting and then the lower half of my body started getting warm and then numb.  And on a side note--I have a history of nausea related to anesthesia and let the anesthesiologist know this.  She told me to let her know if I started feeling nauseated--which I did--and she gave me meds to counteract it. It may have made me very slightly groggy, but at least I didn't feel sick.

    The surgery--It was very calm and much quieter than I expected.  My doctor and the doctor assisting her were talking through the procedure to each other.  I felt no pain.  The main sensations I felt were tapping and touching, and a little bit of tugging when they were pulling the baby out.

    The best moments--And I had no idea how incredible these feelings would be--1) hearing the baby cry after he was delivered; 2) seeing hime and looking into his eyes; and 3) feeling the warmth of his cheeks on mine. This was the one of the best feelings I have felt in my life ever.  Make sure you feel your fresh warm baby against your skin--it is awesome!

    Recovery room--I was a just a little groggy from the anesthesia, but a nurse did bring my son in to bond and begin breast feeding.  My little guy latched on and began sucking right away (the nurse hlped put him in the right position).  I found that pretty amazing to watch how instinctual that was on my baby's part.  It didn't need to be taught to him, he just knew.  Me on the other hand--had no clue what I was doing and needed lots of help, and thankfully there were nurses there who were happy to help.

    The first few hours after surgery were the most uncomfortable.  The catheter, the IV, the pulse-ox monitor on my toe, the inflatable pressure things on my legs, the oxygen tube in my nose--I had all of these things until about 20 or so hours after surgery--so uncomfortable--and I was trying to breast feed.  I did get a little frustrated until it all came off and out.

    The rest of the recovery process has not been bad at all. 1) get up and walk as soon as you can; it helps with the gas. 2) stay on top of your pain. 3) ask for a stool softener or laxative; 4) rest as much as you can. and 5) enjoy your baby--it is so awesome!!

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    Me: 37--Thyroid Cancer survivor. H:38. DS born 6/22/2011; BFP#2--11/5/12--Missed miscarriage discovered 12/21/2012.  BFP#3--5/20/14--another MMC 6/16/14.
  • Good luck to you today!  
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