You ladies talk about your baby and how he/she flips around (head up, then head down, head up again) and goes from one side to the other, etc. However, my LO has been in the same position since I started feeling her move (around 17 weeks).
Her head has always been down (yay!) and her butt to the right of my belly button and her feet on my left side. I know this because all her movements are always in the same spot (hiccups in the same spot all the time,, I know exactly where her butt pushes out, her feet go nuts on my left side only).
I mean, my LO moves all the time, but she never actually changes position. Anyone else have the same experience? Now it has me all freaked out that maybe she can't move because of the umbilical cord or something... I obviously have been thinking about this too much...
Re: Anyone's baby NOT change positions?
The head is down but the butt moves from the right to the left side. I think it's hanging out in the middle right now.
For some reason my midwife really doesnt want the butt on the right and keeps telling me to do all these exercises, but i'm not that motivated. At least he's not breech.
Did your version work? I'm going in tomorrow for one. Hoping it does but also scared that it won't and of the pain...
My LO has seemed head down for as long as I can remember. I too feel the feet and butt in the same spots 99.9% of the time. Once in a while he'll shift to the other side for a moment and then right back to his same position. My MW says they often favor a position. Don't worry, i'm sure nothing is wrong and she just found a comfy place and wants to stay there