For those that are BFing, what's the rule on alcohol? I think this may have been asked before, but I can't remember (story of my life now, lol). I'm REALLY looking forward to a nice icy margarita. We were also thinking of bring a celebratory liquor of some sort and I would love to partake, but not sure if I can/am supposed to.
Re: s/o first drinks after delivery...
Ditto kellymom- no need to pump and dump.
My DH went out and brought back some beer with our dinner one night- I only drank 1/2 can but it tasted good! This time, I'm craving wine but probably waiting until after I get home from the hospital.
Thanks ladies! I was thinking this. By no means do I plan on going all out with the alcohol. For one, it's been so long, lol. And two, I'm not a huge drinker anyway. But just thinking the word makes my mouth water right now, especially it being grilling season!
I'm looking forward to a glass of red wine!
My Blogs -
Our lactation consultant told us just after nursing to drink. Drinking while nursing could pass the alcohol onto baby so nurse, then drink then it should be ok for your next session(provided you don't toss back a six pack or bottle of wine). I'm bringing a beer for after delivery but don't plan on drinking it till I feel well enough and until after baby nurses at least once.