Had my OB weekly and she said I may very well get a July 4th baby. My length has shortened, etc but still need real labor to get things going. I baked some chocolate chip banana muffins this morning. Now I'm thinking cheesecake. I am happy that this OB is letting nature run it's course and isn't talking induction just because it's my due date Thursday. She suggested sex to get things moving but that was so unpleasant awhile ago I'm not sure I could talk MH into it. Not sure what the point of my post is, maybe to let the girls at 36w b!tching know it could be worse?

Knock on wood I have very little swelling this time and in general other than being uncomfortable and tired all the time I'm fine. Maybe standing in my kitchen some more will get things going. Chocolate chip cheesecake here I come. I plan to do individual ones in muffin tins so I can have one or two this week then freeze the rest for my sister's 4th of July party. Not going to eat a whole one

well unless it gets to be like the 12th and I'm still pg. Then I might in a pity party.
Re: May be the first overdue on the board
A) Envious of all your delicious cooking!
C) Whenever I start feeling whiny, I check myself by saying there are still as many as 5 weeks to go, so CHILLAX! Your post was a good reminder.
Hang in there!!! Sounds like you are doing all the right things keeping yourself occupied.
BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010
BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011
BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013
BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy. Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)
BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
I know I don't post over here much anymore. I found myself thinking of you, so I thought I'd pop over.
I'm sorry baby still hasn't made an appearance, but it seems like you have a great attitude about it. I just keep telling myself I am going to go to 42 weeks, that way anything earlier is a nice surprise.
And your recipes sound awesome! I think I know what I'll be making tomorrow.
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
Gasp.. what?? you aren't scheduling an induction for June 30th?
Going overdue (or even reaching your due date) doesnt seem like its going to be very common on this board. My midwife won't even consider me overdue until 41.5 weeks, haha
You are so not alone. I'm due on Sunday and like some other women's doctors my Doctor won't even consider inducing me till 41 weeks. Does that make me happy? No but I know its what is best because if he induces right now I have triple the risk of having to have a c-section. Also, I know that even though I'm showing very very little progress that it could happen at any minute.
why is it so hard to just go to 40 weeks? it's blowing my mind. what is the freekin big deal? does everyone's doctor have a vacation coming up? good lord!
I totally agree. At my appt yesterday, my cervix was totally closed and my doc said she wouldn't be surprised if I went to 41 weeks. I'm just telling myself that my daughter will come 2 weeks late, so that I won't be antsy. Anything sooner will be a pleasant surprise!
i'm doing the same thing. everyone keeps asking when the baby is going to get here. i keep saying "he'll give me a call when he's on his way. but for now lets guess august something" shuts 'em up
BFP 10/25/10 Brynn Helen born 7/7/11