I am hoping to get some opinions from everyone. I went to the doctor today for my weekly visit. I found out my bp was up and there is protein in my urine. I have to do a 24 hour urine tomorrow and go back to the doctor on Wednesday. I am just wondering what to expect....do you think they will induce me? I saw the NP today and she could only guess that the doctor wouldn't mess around with it but couldn't say one way or the other. I know none of you ladies will know for sure what he will do but I thought maybe some of you have had this happen to you. I have some medical problems...pacemaker and epilepsy. Not sure how that will factor in!? Just wondering if anyone has any advice...I am freaking out a little. Thanks for your thoughts/suggestions!
Re: What do you think?
3 more miscarriages and finally a correct diagnosis (septate uterus) and a corrective uterine surgery later, our second blessing is here!